What age can you get plastic surgery

There is not really an age limitation as to whether you can get plastic surgery.

It is based upon patient selection, medical history. So go see 3 boarded surgeons in your area. (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

As Long As Patient Is Healthy, No Age Restriction

As long as you are healthy, without major medical problems (diabetes, heart disease, smoking), then you should be a god candidate for the surgery.

58 years old is not old at all, so if you are a good medical candidate, then you should be good to go. (Christopher V. Pelletiere, MD, Barrington Plastic Surgeon)

What age can you get plastic surgery photo

There is no absolute age at which a plastic surgery is not appropriate. It depends on one’s general state of health and reasons for surgery. Assuming that you are in in good health at age 58 or even much older, you may be a good candidate for a tummy tuck.

You should seek a consultation with a BC plastic surgeon who can discuss with you the relative benefits and risks. (John Whitt, MD, Louisville Plastic Surgeon)

Good health, never too old for plastic surgery

Sometimes we hear this question concerning facelift as well, and the truth is that if an individual is in good health they are never too old for plastic surgery and the chance at a more enjoyable life. As health issues develop as we age, medical clearance by your personal physician will help guide you and your surgeon to a safe outcome. If you are interested, you owe it to yourself to learn more. (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Age for plastic surgery

What age can you get plastic surgery image

Age really is not as big a factor as your physical health. If you are healthy, then you can have plastic surgery or abdominoplasty at any age. I have done tummy tucks on 70 year olds and also on people in their twenties. The best advice is to make sure that you are evaluated by a board-certified plastic surgeon. (David Shafer, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Good health not age determines whether or not an abdominoplasty is safe

We see patients for abdominoplasty in their 60’s fairly routinely, and I have even done a few in their 70’s. On the other hand there are younger patients whose health makes them poor candidates for the procedure. It is not a trivial operation so see a board-certified plastic surgeon who will be able to advise you about the risks vs benefits for your specific situation. (Richard Baxter, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

You know the answer

What age can you get plastic surgery picture

I just had a 65 year old woman ask me that yesterday. There is one medical answer which relates to safety and your associated risks of surgery. As you have no significant medical problems you will most likely do very well with this operation.

The complication rate is low when done in an accredited facility with board certified physicians who practice the current standards of care. The satisfaction rate with this operation is extremely high.

The question only you can answer is how much does the appearance of your abdomen bother you? I encourage you to have a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon who can review the procedure, the post operative course and your expected recovery. (Robert W. Kessler, MD, FACS, Corona Del Mar Plastic Surgeon)