3 weeks post op tummy tuck swelling

I believe it is important to design the lower abdominal tummy tuck scar so that it is low and covered by a small bikini. Usually this means removing the upper portion of the mons pubis which is where the pubic hair is located.

Some patient have enough pubic laxity that it warrants a pubic lift to smooth and reduce the fullness of this area. (David Stoker, MD Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

The mons can be lifted up after tummy tuck, especially if it is not anchored down.

This can be revised once you are healed, though with lowering the scar (esentially doing a mini tummy tuck) and anchoring that incision down nice and low. (Pablo Prichard, MD, Phoenix Plastic Surgeon)

3 weeks post op abdominoplasty swelling

During a tummy tuck procedure, the upper abdominal skin is pulled down to meet the lower abdominal skin. This lower abdominal skin is really the upper part of the pubic area and may get “pulled” up as the tension from the upper abdominal skin increases. It is important to assess the laxity of the upper pubic skin to plan the location of the lower skin incision.

I will have my patients pull on the upper part of the pubic area and mark the lower incision line to accommodate this stretch. I will often liposuction the area during the surgery to debulk the upper pubis fat deposits. After surgery, there may be 3 weeks post op tummy tuck swelling that takes 2-3 months to resolve. If the pubic area still remains “bulky,” I will offer liposuction or repeat skin excision in the office as a “touch up” procedure. (Robert Najera, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

If there is loose skin or fullness over the mons pubis area it can possibly distort this area. (David L. Robbins, MD, FACS, West Des Moines Plastic Surgeon)

3 weeks post op tummy tuck surgery swelling

It is sometimes common to see a pubic bulge after tummy tuck surgery for several reasons. The first reason can be just residual 3 weeks post op tummy tuck swelling out from tummy tuck surgery. It may take up to 2-3 months for all the swelling to resolve. Second is a lack of fat removal from the pubic area during the tummy tuck.

The third is a that the tension of the closure and skin removal can pull the pubic area up causing it to look more prominent. I would discuss this with your surgeon and wait till a few months have passed. Then he or she may recommend doing some liposuction or a small revision in this area. to flatten it more. (Kouros Azar, MD, Thousand Oaks Plastic Surgeon)

3 weeks post op tummy tuck swelling image

Although many of the PS answered your question in regards to swelling, I am interpreting your concern to be about the stretching and elevation of the skin in the hair bearing region. This is not uncommon. The abdominal skin is pulled tightly, this tension can gradually pull the skin up stretching the hair bearing region. During the 1st surgery this could have been avoided, by placing less tension on the closure (removing less skin) and/or by using 3point suture technique. This suturing technique theoretically anchors the scar to the muscles of your abdomen preventing upward migration over time.

Regaurdless, this can be revised quite easily. Once the skin has time to stretch and recovery from the surgery some of the hair bearing skin can be removed, the abdominal skin can be moved down, and the incision anchored to its new position with 3point sutures. (Bradley A. Hubbard, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

3 weeks post op tummy tuck swelling images

  • Sometimes after a tummy tuck the pubic area can seem much fuller and stick out further than the nice new flat tummy you have. If this is due to swelling, it will resolve as all the blood/lymph vessels regenerate.
  • If the fullness is due to the persistent fat that is in the mons area, you may need further liposuction or actual excision of that fat. This procedure is readily done in the office under
    local anesthesia.
  • BOTTOM LINE: wait at least 6-12 months to see if it resolves on its own, if not then address the solution with your plastic surgeon.

(Michele Koo, MD, FACS, Saint Louis Plastic Surgeon)

Three weeks post op tummy tuck swelling

A bigger pubic area after tummy tuck can be caused by a great many things. In some cases, the incision is too high and that tissue is excessively pulled up. In some cases there is persistent swelling at 6 weeks that will get better in time. In some cases, the mons is excessive to begin with and improvement, though better, is incomplete. Specific attention can be paid during the surgery to address this area and thin it out.

Regardless of the cause, it is absolutely not something you should lose sleep about at 6 weeks. There seems to be some fear mongering in the doctor answers already present. A deep breath and some patience is often the best remedy in cases like this. A trusting relationship with your surgeon can help put you at ease. He or she will likely be able to tell you if this will get better on its own. (Jeremy Pyle, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)

The bulging in the pubic area that you are referring to 6 weeks after a tummy tuck is likely swelling that should resolve with time. If not, liposuction in this area is definitely an option.

With regards to the raised pubic line, this can often be touched up in the office under local anesthesia once your skin has had some time to relax. I typically recommend doing this after 6 months. The bottom line to remember is that what you are seeing is most likely fixable. (Sacha Obaid, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)