Abdominoplasty for diastasis recti

In general, an abdominoplasty including a muscle plication is necessary to fix a rectus diastasis. (Christopher J. Davidson, MD, FACS, Wellesley Plastic Surgeon)

Typically, a tummy tuck is done as part of the muscle repair. In order to repair the diastasis, or separation of the muscles, the skin and soft tissue of the belly have to be lifted from the muscles.

This is part of a tummy tuck. In addition, the tightening of the muscles to repair the separation will create some skin excess, which can be treated with the tummy tuck.

Tis would require a full abdominoplasty for diastasis recti. A mini tummy tuck only provides access to the lower belly. The separation below the belly button would be able to be repaired, but the upper abdomen would not be able to be fixed. Only with a full tummy tuck could the entire diastasis be corrected.  (Jeffrey Rockmore, MD, Albany Plastic Surgeon)

Abdominoplasty for diastasis recti image

Diastasis Recti and Abdominoplasty

A diastasis recti is a separation that occurs between your six pack muscles, essentially separating your “six pack” into two “three packs”. This weakness will cause your intestines to pouch forward giving you that early “baby bump” look all the time. Unfortunately, no amount of exercise or diet will fix this. This can be corrected surgically.

For all of my tummy tuck patients, I like to tighten up the rectus muscles to help narrow the waist. You certainly could have your diastasis recti repaired without a tummy tuck surgery; however, if you are going to have the anesthesia and the incision, I think you would be much happier having the tummy tuck. (Sacha Obaid, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Abdominoplasty for diastasis recti photos

Diastasis recti or separation of the six pack muscles causes a bulging out of the abdomen that will not go away with exercise. This is caused by stretching out of the linea alba (ligament between right and left six-pack) during pregnancy or in obesity. Tummy tucks typically address this issue as well as stretch marks, unwanted lower abdominal scars and generalized loose skin of the lower abdomen/pubic area. You can repair this condition through slightly more limited lower abdominal incisions.

Mini tummy tucks generally fail to resolve this problem as they typically don’t go up high enough up to lower breast bone. Also, some patients who request mind frequently return after complaining of residual loose skin. In these patients I perform a modified Tummy tuck I like to call “a Floater”. They work way better than minis. (Mel T. Ortega, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Abdominoplasty to repair rectus diastasis

Abdominoplasty for diastasis recti photo

Abdominoplasty for diastasis recti is the only definitive way to repair a rectus diastasis from pregnancy. There is a way during a mini- tummy tuck to tighten the abdominal muscles without removing as much skin, but this is technically difficult to perform.

If you do have enough excess skin, than a traditional tummy tuck may be the best option. Consult with a few plastic surgeons to determine which procedure is best for your specific anatomy.Best wishes,Dr.Bruno (William Bruno, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Muscle Repair vs. Full abdominoplasty

Medical reason abdominoplasty for diastasis recti

In order to assess whether you are a candidate for muscle repair or tummy tuck depends on the amount of loose skin you also have. Generally, women that have significant rectus diastasis have equally significant loose skin. If the skin is not corrected at the time of the muscle repair, then the skin will actually appear looser and more flabby.

In regards to a mini tummy tuck, it is designed to only correct loose skin and muscle below the belly button. If you have loose skin and muscle around your belly button or above it, a full tummy tuck will be most beneficial to you. I wish you a safe and healthy recovery. (Paul S. Gill, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Fixing diastasis recti while having a tummy tuck

Repair of separated abdominal muscles is routinely performed while undergoing a abdominoplasty for diastasis recti. If the elasticity of the skin is still present, a muscle repair can be performed endoscopically via a very small incision in the area of the pubis.

Abdominoplasty for diastasis recti images

This is performed rarely, most commonly a tummy tuck is performed at the same time in order to obtain a great result. (Z. Paul Lorenc, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Diastasis repair really requires a full abdominoplasty

While other options have been advanced, like partial tummy tuck and endoscopic muscle plication, the only real reliable way to repair a large diastasis is with a full abdominoplasty for diastasis recti. If you only do a mini, you only address the muscle and skin below the belly button, and just like squeezing a tube of toothpaste in the middle, the upper part of the abdomen will now be loose relative to the lower, and it will protrude.

Unfortunately there is no shortcut around this muscle repair issue, and in my experience, those who have tried to take the shortcut look like it. (Joseph L. Grzeskiewicz, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Is a Tummy Tuck Required to Fix Diastasis Recti?

Hi Mosche and thanks for your question. You will need an incision ( cut) and elevation of the abdominal skin above and below the belly button to expose the entire diastasis recti prior to repairing it. These 2 steps are identical to what is required in a tummy tuck. So, you might as well have an abdominoplasty. I would be surprised if any PS would suggest otherwise. (Naveen Somia, MBBS, PhD, FRACS, Sydney Plastic Surgeon)