Before and after tummy tuck pictures

There are so very few patients that I feel are good candidates for a mini-abdominoplasty.

The “mini” tuck really only improves a very small area of skin below the navel and it is very difficult to effectively tighten the abdominal wall muscles with this procedure.

Most women that are interested in improving the abdomen after having children benefit greatly from the “rectus plication” part of the full tummy tuck surgery.

This is where the abdominal muscles are tightened back to the pre-pregnancy state.

You probably would be most effectively treated with a full tummy tuck procedure. (William T. Stoeckel, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)

Before and after tummy tuck surgery pictures

Most patients asking about a mini-TT are not good candidates. A mini- will only address problems in the lower abdomen (below the navel), and the overwhelming majority of problems involve both the upper and lower abdomen.

Treating the love handles will require liposuction in addition to the TT. Getting as close as you can to your goal weight before surgery will assure the best possible outcome. (Jourdan Gottlieb, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Full tummy tuck vs Mini tummy tuck

Before and after tummy tuck procedure pictures

Almost always a full tummy tuck is needed. Mini tummy tuck actually created disharmony between upper abdomen and lower and thus is not a desirable short cut. Avoid disappointments of mini-tuck and go for what is needed. (Vasdev Rai, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Mini or full tummy tuck

I do not see attached photos to be able to give you my opinion. But rule of thumb is if all your changes that bother you are below the umbilicus, then you can have a mini, if around the umbilicus and above then a full is necessary. I would suggest you see a board certified plastic surgeon for a consultation to find out more. (Rick Rosen, MD, Norwalk Plastic Surgeon)

Very few patients are ideal candidates for a mini tummy tuck

Before and after tummy tuck operation pictures

Before and after tummy tuck pictures gallery surgeons

Very few patients are candidates for a mini tummy tuck. A mini tummy tuck is really only designed for women who have a good looking belly button little extra skin laxity, few stretch marks, and good abdominal wall tone in most cases.
Essentially a mini tummy tuck is for women who have a extra skin laxity near the pubic bone. The cost and incision length of a mini tummy tuck is not all that less than a full tummy tuck. (Remus Repta, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon) is hard to give a recommendation, you should try to see a board certified plastic surgeon in person so you might get a good opinion about what would be the best procedure for you. (Australia Fragoso Baez, MD, Dominican Republic Plastic Surgeon)