C section tummy tuck

Do Not Have a Tummy Tuck at Same Time as C-Section

It might make sense to most people to consider a tummy tuck at the same time as a C-section.Most surgeons would consider this a bad idea. Immediately after a C-section, the uterus is still enlarged and there may still be some ongoing bleeding. If a c section tummy tuck is performed at this time, the skin will not be able to tightened as much as it could be after the uterus has returned to its pre-pregnancy state.

There is a greater likelihood of infection if these two procedures are performed at the same time. A C-section by itself is a significant operative procedure. By itself it carries with it a significant recovery time. After the birth of your baby, it is unwise to create the need for more intense recovery and possibly create the opportunity for unwanted complications.

C section tummy tuck photos

For all of these reasons, a tummy tuck at the time of C-section is a bad idea. (John J. Edney, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

No tummy tuck right after C-section

It is not safe or advisable to perform a c section tummy tuck immediately after a delivery via C-section. First of all, you have just delivered a baby and need to focus your time and energy on the baby instead of focusing on your recovery. Secondly, combining a tummy tuck surgery with a major abdominal operation can increase your rate of complications such as blood clots, anemia, and infection. Thirdly, an abdominoplasty patient should be as close to their ideal body weight as possible. You should wait until at least 6-12 months after your delivery and make sure you have lost all of your pregnancy weight and are as close to your ideal weight as possible. (Matthew H. Steele, MD, Fort Worth Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck right after a C-section?

Caesarean section tummy tuck

A tummy tuck should never be performed right after a C-section. It would be dangerous immediately after giving birth because of increased blood loss and the increased chance of having blood clots to name a few reasons.Also the skin and muscles are very stretched immediately after birth. Your body needs around a year for the tissues to heal enough to be safe to have a tummy tuck. (Stanley Castor, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)

It is best to wait 6 months after a C-section to have Tummy Tuck surgery

It is not recommended to have a Tummy Tuck immediately after a C-Secton. Once the skin has relaxed and the C Section scar has healed and after an in person consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon a decision is made as to when is the right time to have the surgery. This varies from patient to patient. (Z. Paul Lorenc, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Is It Safe to Perform Tummy Tuck Surgery Right After a C-section

C section tummy tuck surgery

This is not a good time to have a tummy tuck. There are multiple reasons not to have a tummy tuck immediately after giving birth. The body needs about a year to return to normal after giving birth. After this time it would be appropriate to have a consultation concerning a tummy tuck. (Paul Vitenas, Jr., MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck Surgery Right After a C-section?

Yes it’s possible but most surgeons don’t like that timing. The abdominal skin and muscles are so altered by the pregnancy that we feel we won’t get the best results until the abdomen has had time to go back to normal. It also increases some of the risks of surgery and our goal is always to reduce risk. (Ronald V. DeMars, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)

Wait after Caesarean section before abdominoplasty

C section tummy tuck operation

An abdominoplasty should not be performed in the same procedure as a caesarean section. Your abdomen needs return to a pre-pregnancy shape and you need to return to a desirable weight before any surgery can be planned. Your body has just been stressed by a pregnancy and operative delivery and needs to recover. It would be inappropriate to perform cosmetic surgery until all these conditions have been satisfied. There is no instant fix to transform you back to before the pregnancy. Abdominoplasty should be deferred until you have finished having children because a subsequent pregnancy may require revision of the result. Safety must be the paramount concern of both the doctor and the patient. (Robert L. Kraft, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Wait after c section tummy tuck

i would recommend waiting four to six months after your c-section before proceeding with tummy tuck surgery. This allows the uterus to and excess skin to shrink in size and allow a better and more effective tummy tuck to be performed. I would not perform tummy tuck surgery at the same time as as Cesarean section delivery. (Richard Linderman, MD, Indianapolis Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck at the time of a C-section? No!

C section tummy tuck image

It is not recommended to have a tummy tuck immediately following a C-section. Most women after a C-section heal beautifully. The abdominal muscles that have been stretched out and thinned by the pregnancy will regroup and heal normally (for the most part). The skin too.

6 million years of evolution have selected this to happen. Certainly there are women following their C-section where the muscles and skin do not recoil as well as others. That is where we, Plastic Surgeons, can step in and improve the situation by performing the tummy tuck after the C-section and abdomen has healed.

BTW, better time is spent bonding with your new bundle of love post-pregnancy than worrying about healing post-op! (Jonathan Berman, MD, Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)

Its just a bad idea to combine a C section tummy tuck and should not be done! With all of the physical changes that pregnancy causes there is no way that you can properly perform a tummy tuck with liposuction and expect to get anywhere near the results you can get if you wait until your patient’s body recovers to or as near to its Pre-pregnancy condition as possible. (Eric Sadeh, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)