Dr Greenberg Tummy Tuck

27 Year Old Miss Treated With Complete Abdominoplasty Photo With Doctor Greenberg, Woodbury, New York (11797)

This 29 year old female and mother of 2 young children consulted with Dr. Greenberg as she was unhappy with the cosmetic appearance of her abdomen. She complained of excess skin and stretch marks of her abdomen with laxity of her abdominal wall muscles that made working out much more difficult. Her physical evaluation confirmed a diastasis recti, or separation of the abdominal wall muscles, and it was determined that she was a fantastic candidate for a full tummy tuck to achieve the flat and sculpted midsection that she wished for. At 8 months post-op, this patient is thrilled with her tummy tuck results and her confidence in bathing suits and dresses has sky rocketed!

(Sep 6, 2019)