Having a baby after a tummy tuck

My advice to you would be to wait until you are sure that you were not planning another pregnancy to pursue a tummy tuck. Why would you want to spend money and time for recovery for a surgical procedure when you know that the pregnancy in the future would completely undo the results.

If there was some uncertainty as to whether you were to have another pregnancy or not and did not want to wait forever to have the tummy tuck surgery, be aware that perhaps one year after the surgery you could pursue a pregnancy without undo risks to you from the surgery, but I would still advise you to wait.

There are really no safety issues with regard to having a baby after a tummy tuck. If you got pregnant 3 months after your surgery, your abdomen will slowly expand during your pregnancy and a full year will elapse from your surgery date to your delivery date. Obviously, your results will be altered in some way.

Having a baby after a tummy tuck operation

A tummy tuck is a big surgery with associated risks and a significant recovery period. Common sense will tell you that it is best to have all of your children before having a tummy tuck so that you only have to go through one surgery and one recovery. Patients who have lost a tremendous amount of weight with large excess folds of skin on their abdomen and don’t want to have children for several years are good candidates for tummy tuck surgery so that they can enjoy their results for a longer period of time rather than waiting until they have had all of their children.

Tummy tuck surgery will not affect your pregnancy at all. During a tummy tuck your muscle is repaired and excess skin and fat are removed.

Having a baby after a tummy tuck photo

When you are pregnant after your surgery you may compromise the muscle repair and possibly create hanging skin or stretch marks again.So you may or may not need a revision. A good canidate for a tummy tuck is someone that is done having children and are 20-30 pounds within there ideal weight.

Having a baby after a tummy tuck is certainly possible and nothing is done during your tummy tuck surgery to prevent you from having another child. If you are seriously considering having another child, why not wait to have a tummy tuck later.

Having a Tummy Tuck has no bearing on future pregnancies. However future pregnancies will undo the Tummy Tuck outcome and another Tummy Tuck is likely to be required. You can get married and have another babay as soon as you heal from your operation ( On average give 3 months for this healing.

Having a baby after a tummy tuck surgery

Generally, I recomment that a patient has finished having children before getting a tummy tuck. Although it is not harmful to either the mother or the child if the mother has already had a tummy tuck because the skin and tissues will stretch out again with pregnancy. But you may develop loose abdominal skin and stretched muscles following another pregnancy negating the benefit of the surgery.

that’s just poor planning. if at all possible, avoid pregnancy after surgery. if you happen to get pregnant the baby will be fine, you on the other hand may need to redo some things.

Yes, you can get pregnant without an adverse effect from a previous tuck, although it is best to wait until your childbearing is complete so that you can enjoy the results of the surgery for longer. You may loose the abdominal wall flattening and gain extra loose skin again after the pregnancy. Women I have treated generally only had some of the extra loose skin removed through the same tummy tuck scar location-none to date had repeat muscle tightening.

Having a baby after abdominoplasty

I usually recommend that you wait until you are done having your kids before having a tummy tuck, but I have had patients become pregnant after their surgery.

  • The pregnancy shouldn’t be affected by the tummy tuck
  • It is hard to predict how your abdomen will look like after delivery
  • You may need a touch up revision- either excision of extra skin or re-tightening of the muscle or both
  • If you are in a relationship now and you are planning an addition to your family, I would postpone the tummy tuck.

Having a baby after tummy tuck

The question isn’t really whether you can have a baby after a tummy tuck procedure, but really whether it makes sense to schedule a tummy tuck if you are planning to have another baby. Your body tissue will always stretch again to accommodate another pregnancy, even after a tummy tuck. The real question is whether you will need a revision of your tummy tuck after you have another baby.

The rectus muscle separation that is generally repaired at the time of a tummy tuck is necessary to accommodate a pregnancy, and those muscles will separate to some extent if you choose to get pregnant again. I’m not saying that you can’t have a tummy tuck followed by another baby.

I’m just questioning if it makes sense to do so if you really want to maximize your long term result. If you are single and want to go ahead with it anyway, then you should do so. Just understand that you may eventually need or want a revision.

Tummy tucks are recommended after child bearing is complete to ensure the most predictable and lasting results. However, it is safe to have future pregnancies after the procedure but the results will be altered to some degree. If preganancy is in your near future it’s best to wait.