High tummy tuck scar

Definitely the scar is high but now apparently there is not enough sagging skin or cutaneous excess to correct this in a revision surgery, you’ll have to wait a while until the skin becomes more flaccid and can be stretched. (Jose Luis Acosta Collado, MD, Dominican Republic Plastic Surgeon)

Can my TT scar be lowered?

To answer your question, yes, your scar can be improved. There needs to be enough abdominal skin laxity to lower the scar and that will come with time, at least a year.

When your surgeon determines there is enough loose skin to undergo scar revision surgery, keep in mind that it may need to be done in stages.  (Angela Champion, MD, Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon)

High tummy tuck scar photo

Without additional skin laxity it will be very difficult to lower your abdominoplasty scars further. There are some situations where a higher scar is the only option available, but in general lower scars are more aesthetic.  (Robert F. Centeno, MD, FACS, Fairfax Plastic Surgeon)

Its not likely your scar can be lowered. Enjoy your new contours and find the positives in it and don’t look back. (Curtis Wong, MD, Redding Plastic Surgeon)

High revision surgery tummy tuck scar

Your scar is definitely higher than ordinarily desired however we have not had the opportunity to see your pre-op photos. Lowering this scar may be possible is just depends upon the amount of loose skin that you have to pull inferiorly. (Jeffrey Zwiren, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Lowering of Tummy Tuck Scar

The High tummy tuck scar

Significant lowering of your tummy tuck scar is not likely to be achieved.This requires laxity of the abdominal skin above the scar so that it can be stretched downward which is not evident now.

Perhaps in a year or two some skin looseness may develop that could lower it by an inch or so. (Barry L. Eppley, MD, DMD, Indianapolis Plastic Surgeon)

HIGH is not the correct term I would use. I would use inappropriate placement or poor surgical judgement/skill. (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

High tummy tuck scar image

The scar from a tummy tuck can be lowered. However, the entire abdominoplasty flap (the skin flap) needs to be re-elevated and stretched lower. So, you are essentially having the surgery done all over again. It would also depend on the laxity of your skin.

It may well be that your skin is as tight as it will get. To make that determination, you would need to be seen in person. (David Shafer, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

On outine inspection of your result, unfortunately the scar does look a little high. You would need to be assessed to check how much residual laxity there is and then wait at least a year before undergoing any form of revision of this problem. (Sultan Hassan, MD, FRCS(Plast), London Plastic Surgeon)