How big is a tummy tuck scar?

Length of Tummy Tuck scar depends on YOU

Everyone has a different amount of skin in the lower abdomen.

This is the main determining factor as to how long the scar will be. IF you are curious, ask your surgeon, they should have had a good idea (Barry E. DiBernardo, MD)

Mini tummy tuck vs lipo vs standard tummy tuck

Scar length is determined by skin excess and also your goal.

Look at the first patient on my video – she has generalized laxity but could describe herself exactly the same way that you do.

How big is a tummy tuck scar question

If you really have minimal laxity with the majority located below the belly button, a mini tuck may work for you. If you have generalized laxity and want a dynamite result, then you will need a standard tummy tuck (hipbone to hipbone scar) as chosen by my video patient.

First establish your goals, and then decide if the required scar length is acceptable. You should not choose the short scar if the result is not going to make you happy! (Michael A. Bogdan, MD, FACS, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Size of tummy tuck scars depend on the amount of loose skin to be removed

A mini tummy tuck done for a very small amount of loose skin removal can be hidden beneath the bikini line and be 6-8 inches long just at the pubic hairline.

How big is a tummy tuck scar image

However most mini tummy tucks in fact require a scar that extends out from the pubic hair to the hip region-but these extensions can be placed under the bikini line as well. Full abdominoplasty scars are longer and also place a scar around the belly button. If you do not have loose skin and only need fat removal, liposuction scars can be hidden in the belly button-new laser lipo can be done through very tiny scars. (Brooke R. Seckel, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

A tummy tuck incision length is typically related to the amount of skin that needs to be removed. If you do not have alot of skin, you could successfully be treated with a mini tummy tuck or short scar tummy tuck. In any event, the scars, even if long, can be concealed by an undergarment or bathing suit. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck Scars

How big is a tummy tuck scar photo

While any tummy tuck procedure will lead to a scar, the length of the scar is dependent on the amount of extra skin that has been removed and the care that is taken. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)

The length of the scar depends entirely on how much

The length of the scar depends entirely on how much extra skin you have and on how much change you want to see. The shorter scar procedures like a mini tummy tuck take off less skin and produce less tightening. The longer scars are required to remove more excess skin but also yield a tighter, flatter abdomen. The scar will fade with time also. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

The scar can vary. If a mini-tummy tuck is performed

The scar can vary. If a mini-tummy tuck is performed then the scar is about the same length as a c-section scar. If a full tummy tuck is required it is usually from hip to hip, most commonly hidden below the underwear line. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)