Lipo with Tummy Tuck
Liposuction with Tummy Tuck at the same time?
Typically, I perform a small amount of lipo at the same time as abdominoplasty surgery. This is usually done on the upper abdominal area and on the patient’s flanks/waist.
However, one has to be cautious about performing too much lipo in combination with the tummy tuck procedure. Why is this?
A rich blood supply is needed for the abdominoplasty incision to heal, and having too much lipo at the same time can potentially compromise this blood flow.
I often stage the procedures when there is excessive upper abdominal fat by first performing an abdominoplasty and then following this up with additional lipo 4-6 months later to further improve the results.
This two stage procedure is not necessary in everyone, but your surgeon should be able to tell you if you are a candidate. (Erez Sternberg, MD, Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon)
Lipo with Abdominoplasty surgery
Typically, I do a small amount of liposuction with abdominoplasty surgery. Usually I lipo the upper abdomen area and maybe a bit on the waist. However, I am very cautious about doing too much lipo in combination with abdominoplasty procedures. Good blood supply is needed for the abdominoplasty incision and having too much lipo at the same time can potentially compromise good blood flow. I often stage the procedures, performing an abdominoplasty first and then come back later and do liposuction.
Or vice versa .this all depends on the patient and how much lax skin they have and fat. (Jeffrey Hartog, MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)
Can Lipo be performed with a TummyTuck?
Liposuction can be performed with a tummy tuck but it needs to be done conservatively. I usually liposuction the hip region at the lateral aspect of the incision to emphasize the waist and minimize the incision. I prefer not to liposuction the mid line because of the significant risks of skin necrosis. The risks are increased further with many medical conditions and smoking. More aggressive liposuction can be performed at a later stage when the tummy tuck has completely healed for further contouring. (Elizabeth S. Harris, MD, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)
Lipo with tummy tuck will increase risks
It is impossible to give exact percentages, though we all know based on experience and case reports that lipo with tummy tuck will increase risk of infection, tissue loss, seroma, or poor healing (and worse).
Most of us will suction the side or transition areas over the hip and flank. But suctioning under the flap, or suctioning other body areas, can become a serious problem for patient and surgeon. (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Liposuction at the Time of Tummy Tuck
Liposuction is commonly performed at the same procedure as a tummy tuck, but suctioning an area that has to be lifted from its blood suppy increases risk. That risk is related to interfering with blood supply resulting in tissue loss or infection. The risk is highest in smokers and diabetics, but can also be increased in those with poor nutritional status. It may be smarter to allow for a second smaller procedure for liposuction of the upper abdomen some months after your tummy tuck when the blood supply has beeen safely re-established. Have a conversation with your surgeon about it. (Mary Lee Peters, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Upper abdominal lipo and tummy tuck
I will usually do a small amount of upper abdominal lipo in every case. However, rarely I will have to do more than I like due to a local excess of fat. I never do extensive liposuction to reduce the risk of necrosis. If your Plastic Surgeon feels comfortable with this and leaves enough tissue connections to the fascia (better blood supply) then you might be able to have more done. Necrosis is not the only problem I have seen with additional liposuction, by the way. The tissues get harder, are more bruised, and there is more swelling which takes longer to go away. (Victor Au, MD, Chapel Hill Plastic Surgeon)
Lipo of upper abdomen at time of abdominoplasty
In my opinion percentages do not matter when discussing an individual patients care. The risk of necrosis increases when liposuctioning an undermined flap(tummy tuck). I normally do not like to do this.
I will lipo carefully the love handle( not undermined), but not the upper flap. Those that do perform the procedure with lipo of the upper abdomen do so cautiously or undermine less. I would suggest you discuss this with your individual surgeon. (Rick Rosen, MD, Norwalk Plastic Surgeon)
Separate Upper Abdominal Liposuction & Full Tummy Tuck
I realize that this is a contoversial area, but I prefer to perform upper abdominal liposuction as a separate procedure a few months after the tummy tuck. You can do some liposuction of the upper abdomen at the time of the tummy tuck, but bear in mind that the normal blood supply to the abdominal skin is from vessels perforating the rectus muscle.
All of these vessels are devided at the time of a full tummy tuck. The blood supply must then come from collateral sources. I fel that I can do a much more aggressive and better lipo if I delay it. (John Whitt, MD, Louisville Plastic Surgeon)
Combining lipo with tummy tucks
Most experienced surgeons will be able to perform liposuction with a tummy tuck. Certain tummys lend themselves to more liposuction than others.
Not all tummy tucks are the same and different tummy tucks lend themselves to more aggressive lipo than others.
Regardless, care must be taken when performing lipo during tummy tucks so as not to cause a problem with circulation and then delayed healing. You certainly can’t fault your surgeon for being conservative in order to avoid problems. Safety should always come first. (Ronald Schuster, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)