Liposuction and abdominoplasty

Liposuction of the abdomen ( and hips if prominent) is a frequent adjunct to a full abdominoplasty. If the abdominal wall has a lot of fat, not contouring it will result in a less than optimal result.

An examination is,of course, essential to make the final determination but it does appear that you would benefit from liposuction of both the abdomen and hips during your abdominoplasty. (David A. Bottger, MD, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

Most surgeons perform muscle repair along with liposuction to the hips and flanks as part of a full tummy tuck procedure. However, that decision remains individualized and based on your needs and the judgement of the surgeon. Looking at your pictures, I think you will need both.

Liposuction and abdominoplasty image

Best is to seek a consultation in person with a surgeon in your city for proper evaluation and advice. (Maan Kattash, MD, FRCS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction is often performed in combination with an abdominoplasty either to help contour the ends of the incision or to address other areas of fatty deposits such as the flanks (love handles), thighs, etc. This is usually an additional charge. Your plastic surgeon will help guide you in your decision.

A rectus plication (muscle repair) is typically part of the abdominoplasty procedure. The purpose is to tighten the fascia between the rectus muscles that has been stretched as a result of pregnancy or weight loss allowing for a flatter, tighter tummy. Again, your plastic surgeon should review all of these details with you during your consultation.

Liposuction and abdominoplasty photo

You shouldn’t leave your surgeon’s office having unanswered questions prior to surgery. You want to feel comfortable and fully educated regarding your surgery and options. (Nicholas Tarola, MD, Nashville Plastic Surgeon)

In my practice virtually all tummy tucks get lipo and muscle repair. I have found that patients that are good tummy tuck candidates benefit from the addition of liposuction and muscle repair.

Improvements in abdominal contour will still be seen without doing so but better results will be obtained with the addition of liposuction and muscle repair. (Remus Repta, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)

How do you decide between abdominoplasty and liposuction?

Liposuction and abdominoplasty surgery

Liposuction does not get rid of excess abdominal skin. Patients with skin excess will need abdominoplasty. Patients with tight abdominal skin and muscles will benefit from liposuction. Abdominoplasty is always needed after child bearing changes. Liposuction is more suited to normal weight patients, who have not undergone pregnancy and are under 30 years of age. Everyone elase will need tummy tuck. (Vasdev Rai, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Lipo and tummy tuck?

Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) is often accompanied by liposuction. Liposuction is often performed on the hips as well as other areas. Abdominoplasty generally involves removal of the majority of both skin and fat below the belly button, but occasionally liposuction is performed to further thin the remaining tissues of the abdomen at the time of tummy tuck. Your photos suggest that you would benefit from full abdominoplasty as well as additional liposuction at the same time. (Richard L. Zeff, MD, Portsmouth Plastic Surgeon)

How do I know if I need a Lipo with my abdominoplasty ?

Medical reasons for liposuction and abdominoplasty

There are 3 elements to manage in your abdomen : The “abdominal muscle diastasis” (separation), Excess and sagging skin, and The accumulation of fat in your body contour. The first 2 elements are well manage with the abdominoplasty, but the third one will only be improve by Liposculpture. With it we will be able to give harmony to your body contour by removing fat deposits. (Adolfo Sesto, MD, Dominican Republic Plastic Surgeon)

If a patient has full flanks, liposuction can be a nice addition. If it is not necessary, it increases cost and adds risk of seroma formation. I will liposuction the abdomen with a mini abdominoplasty, but will usually cut it out directly at the scarpa’s fascia level if I am doing a full abdominoplasty. (Mark D. Wigod, MD, Boise Plastic Surgeon)

From your pictures, it looks like you would benefit from a combination liposuction and abdominoplasty procedure. Keep in mind, looking at pictures are no substitution from an examination in person. Please consult a board certified plastic surgeon in your area for a more accurate assessment.

The liposuction and abdominoplasty

In general, I think of a tummy tuck procedure as being very good at flatting out your tummy by tightening your muscles, which likely have separated and become weak from child birth and will never be flat no matter how much you work out, and being very good for removing extra skin.

If you have a flat tummy, but the thickness of the skin envelop is thick and fatty, you still won’t look good after abdominoplasty alone.

If this is the case, you will also need liposuction to think out the skin envelope so that you’ll look good and people can see your newly flattened tummy. (Perry Liu, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

I almost always perform liposuction with a abdominoplasty in some fashion. Most often it is to the hips and flanks. (Gaurav Bharti, MD, Jupiter Plastic Surgeon)

At your consultation you and your surgeon will discuss the particulars of the procedure that is optimal for you. Generally speaking a muscle repair and liposuction are performed as part of torso contouring that includes a abdominoplasty. (Michael B. Tantillo, MD)