Medical reason for tummy tuck

With pregnancy or massive weight loss there is stretching of skin and muscle which may require tummy tuck to correct. See a plastic surgeon to determine if you are an appropriate candidate. (David J. Levens, MD, Coral Springs Plastic Surgeon)

A tummy tuck does not treat obesity. I frequently work with patients to lose weight then perform a tummy tuck. While weight loss is important to yield a good tummy tuck result and tummy tuck exercise is part of the weight loss process. While exercising is effective in toning muscles in mild cases, it is not capable of reversing overhanging skin or tightening loose abdominal muscles.

Potential Tummy Tuck candidates may be considering Tummy Tuck because they have medical reason for tummy tuck, may suffering physically, emotionally or Psychologically.

a medical reason for tummy tuck

Excessive skin folds and general bulging of the abdomen are undesirable conditions, which can cause both physical and emotional health concerns.

Skin Conditions In many cases, the heavy skin folds hang over the lower abdomen causing moisture related chronic skin irritation.

Since the excess weight of the abdominal skin is all in the front, the back muscles are constantly in spasm working hard to straighten and correct the spinal posture so that the heavy load is redistributed more evenly.

Constant spasm of the back muscles is the main reason for back pain which is not uncommon in over-weight people with large abdomens.

Medical reason for abdominplasty

Psychologically women can be very self-conscious about the shape and size of their abdomen and often feel a loss of feminine appeal when they see the condition of their tummy. They also face additional problems when attempting to find appropriate clothing.

To really see if your a candidate for Tummy Tuck and have medical reason for tummy tuck, the best thing to do is schedule a complimentary consultation with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon.

Medical reason for the tummy tuck

Certified by the American Board of Plastic surgery. (Ivan Thomas, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty surgery works well to contour the abdomen in individuals where there is abdominal bulging due to skin stretch, muscle bulging, and fatty deposits. Liposuction works well to remove fat only, it does not tighten loose or stretched out skin or flatten muscles.

Most women after pregnancy and weight fluctuations have a component of loose skin, stretch marks are common, as well as bulging muscles despite attempts at diet and exercise. Men also can be candidates if they have loose or sagging skin of the abdomen from weight loss. Abdominoplasty will tighten every layer of the abdominal wall and provides the best and most dramatic contour improvements in these patients. (Hayley Brown, MD, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)

Medical reason for tummy tuck operation

A Tummy Tuck is a procedure to correct the effects of pregnancy or weight loss. A tummy tuck is frequently combined with liposuction of the abdomen and waist. Good candidates for a tummy tuck are in good health and have reached a stable weight. I do not advise tummy tucks for those who are unable to stop smoking. A tummy tuck will correct:

Who is a good candiate for a Tummy Tuck?

1. Loose skin and stretch marks of the lower abdomen

2. Abdominal bulge resulting from separation of the abdominal muscle (diastasis recti)

3. Localized fat deposits of the abdomen and waist

Hernias of the abdominal wall may be corrected at the time of a tummy tuck, but are not part of the tummy tuck procedure. Generally, a tummy tuck is recommend for women after having their last child.

Medical reason for tummy tuck surgery

I would recommend a consultation with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. (Andrew T. Lyos, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Good for removing loose skin on the upper and lower abdomen, removing extra fat from the abdomen, and removing stretch marks (mostly from the lower abdomen). Anyone with loose muscles after pregnancy or massive weight loss should also consider a tummy tuck. (Carmen Kavali, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Medical reason for tummy tuck

The people interested in a tummy tuck usually fall into two categories: post pregnancy and large weight loss. Expansion of the abdominal area along with variable amounts of fat can produce any and all of the following issues:

  • Loose and/or damaged skin (stretch marks) ABOVE the belly button.
  • Loose and/or damaged skin BELOW the belly button.
  • Expansion and laxity of the fibrous abdominal wall.
  • Rectus diastasis (bulging of the abdominal contents against thinning abdominal tissue BETWEEN the abdominal muscles.
  • Loss of the abdominal contour with sagging of the lower abdominal area.
  • Low back pain due to increased weight vectors transmitted from abdomen to low back.
  • Rarely, digestive problems

The medical reason for tummy tuck

The extent of each of these will determine which of the following treatments would be most appropriate:

  • Mini tummy tuck (tightens below the belly button)
  • Intermediate tummy tuck
  • Standard tummy tuck (tightens above AND below the belly button)
  • Extended tummy tuck (extends about 3/4 around the trunk)
  • Belt lipectomy (extends all the way around the trunk)
  • Liposuction + tummy tuck (any of above)
  • Liposuction alone with non excisional skin tightening (SmartLipo)

Other considerations that could make you a better candidate include:

  • Non smoker
  • Close to ideal body weight
  • Stable body weight (recent weight loss increases surgical risks)
  • Good general health
  • Regular exercise
  • Finished having children
  • Good family support system

Medical reason for tummy tuck patient photo

Tummy tucks are aggressive procedures that give you aggressive results and are often combined with other contouring procedures. They are in a sense reconstructing an important area of your body.

As a result, we have seen improvement in both form and function of the body. So do your research, seek out a qualified board certified plastic surgeon, and make an informed decision. (Kirk A. Churukian, MD, Los Gatos Plastic Surgeon)

A good candidate for a tummy tuck is a healthy male or female that does not expect massive body change in the near future. Women who are finished having children and people who have succeeded in reaching their weight loss goals are great candidates.

There are several types of abdominoplasties. A mini tummy tuck has a small incision beneath the underwear line on the pubic bone and pulls down the access skin in the front of the stomach, the well known “pooch” area.

A standard tummy tuck uses an incision from hip to hip, also beneath the underwear line and pulls the skin from the front of the torso. A third type of tummy tuck is referred to as calls for an incision all the way around the waste and is often referred to as a body lift. Discuss with your surgeon the amount of skin that you would like removed and tightened and come to an agreement to reach the best results.