Mini TT

Full or Mini TT?

You have a lot of loose skin and stretch marks in your lower abdomen and around your belly button. A mini TT is somewhat limited due to the short incision.

It is primarily useful for tightening up the stomach muscles below the belly button but only a very small amount of skin can be removed.

In my opinion, you are an ideal candidate for a full tummy tuck which would help remove a lot of that loose skin and stretch marks as well as improve the appearance of your belly button.

It won’t get rid of the stretch marks above your belly button but it will pull them down and tighten up that skin so that they may be less noticeable.

Mini TT surgery

I would suggest that you schedule an appointment with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can examine you in person and review your options. (Edwin C. Pound, III, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Based upon the limited posted photo reviews, I chose full Tummy Tuck as the better option for you. But you need only in person opinions! (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

A full tummy tuck is better as it will give you a new belly button. If you have a hernia near the belly button it can be fixed at the time of the tummy tuck. (John Michael Thomassen, MD, Fort Lauderdale Plastic Surgeon)

A mini TT is almost never indicated.

The mini TT

From the photograph it looks as though your good candidate for a full abdominoplasty. A lesser procedure would be a big disappointment. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Would a mini TT work to make my stomach look good again or would I need to do a full TT? (ph

Congratulations on your baby. From the photo it appear that you need a full TT in order to achieve an optima result. This would entail removing excess skin, reconstruction the abdominal wall and correcting the belly button. An average surgical fee is around $10,000. You should consult with a Board Certified PS. (George Lefkovits, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Full vs mini TT

Mini TT before

I would recommend a full tummy tuck in your situation in the fact that you have excess saggy skin above your belly button that a mini TT would not address or improve. It would be sad to have an awesome lower abdomen and an upper tummy with crinkly saggy skin. (David Liland, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

You have loose skin above the belly button that would not be addressed with a mini-tummy tuck. I would recommend a full tummy tuck, which would tighten the entire abdominal, loose skin and take care of your diastasis recti (loose abdominal muscles). Additionally, we can reconstruct a very nice, pretty belly button during the procedure. Of course, you want to do it after you finished having children. (Joel Patrick Maier, MD, Cincinnati Plastic Surgeon)

Because you have damaged skin all the way up above your belly button, you need a standard tuck. If you plan to have more children, it is best to wait until after you finish your family. The belly button can be revised – this is part of the tummy tuck procedure. The cost will range between $8,000 – $12,000, including all fees. Always see a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. (Elizabeth Morgan, MD, PhD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)