Mini tummy tuck before after
Full versus mini tummy tuck
You would ideally need to be examined, and a discussion taken place as to what your goals are.
Ideally, you’re a good candidate for a lateral tension abdominoplasty with bilateral flank liposuction.
This will give you the most impressive result with subsequent 10 to 15 pound weight loss after surgery.
Please see a board-certified plastic surgeon with expertise in this area to have an in person consultation and discuss your options. (Kevin Tehrani, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Mini versus Full tummy tuck?
Yes, you would be improved with a combination of liposuction and skin excision , one version of a mini tummy tuck. However, your profile view suggests muscle weakness causing your abdomen to bow outwards.
- Mini tummy tuck before after gallery
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- Mini tummy tuck before after image
- Mini tummy tuck before after images
Therefore, to achieve the flattest result this muscle weakness, called diastasis, must be addressed. This requires the Full TT to do so. (David A. Ross, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
- Mini tummy tuck before after operation
- Mini tummy tuck before after photo
- Mini tummy tuck before after photos
- Mini tummy tuck before after pic
Tummy Tuck Mini vs Full – How to decide?
The choice of a mini or full tummy tuck fully depends on your goals. Mini tummy tucks are good for removal of a small amount of excess tissue below the belly button. It does not redrape the abdominal wall tissue, does not reshape or reposition the belly button and has little effect on the waistline.
- Mini tummy tuck before after pics
- Mini tummy tuck before after picture
- Mini tummy tuck before after pictures
- Mini tummy tuck before after scar stips
- Mini tummy tuck before after scar strip
- Mini tummy tuck before after surgeon best
- Mini tummy tuck before after surgeon photo
- Mini tummy tuck before after surgeon photos
- Mini tummy tuck images before after
- Mini tummy tuck pictures before after
- Mini tummy tuck scars before after
- Mini tummy tuck surgery before after
If your concerns are below the belly button only, it’s a reasonable procedure. The vast majority of patients are better served with a standard tummy tuck and liposuction. You should consult with an american board of plastic surgery certified surgeon or two and further educate yourself! (David Shifrin, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Mini vs full tummy tuck
I have always disliked the word “mini” when discussing tummy tucks. From your pictures, I think you have a modest skin and fat excess, mostly below your belly button. It is hard to determine if your have a loose abdominal muscle and connective tissue layer from the pictures, but since your belly is relatively flat, it is probably in good shape. With this in mind, I think you would have a nice result from a less extensive abdominoplasty. I think your scar would be short, and not extend to far (if at all) beyond your hip bones, and you will probably not need any work done about the belly button. Thus I think the limited operation that some refer to as a “mini” tummy tuck would give you a good result. (Lewis Ladocsi, MD, FACS, Richmond Plastic Surgeon)