Mini Tummy Tuck or Full Tummy Tuck

Full tummy tuck provides best improvement in contour

Most women who have had children will have some loose skin both above and below the umbilicus. A full tummy tuck provides better correction of the loose skin of the entire abdomen as well as tightening of the muscles of the abdominal wall. A mini tummy tuck only tightens skin and muscles below the umbilicus, thus providing less correction.

Even though you umbilicus is high, your main tummy tuck scar can still be positioned low, at or below your c-section scar. You will likely have a small up and down scar in the lower abdomen where your belly button had been located. This can still be hidden by a two piece bathing suit. (Michael D. Yates, MD, Huntsville Plastic Surgeon)

A Mini Tummy Tuck or Full Tummy Tuck

In a mini tummy tuck, only the muscles below your belly button are repaired. Initially, you may be very happy with this outcome. But as some time passes, I predict that you will experience a problem all too common with this operation. Because the muscles above your belly button have not been tightened, as time passes the upper abdomen stretches even more, until you feel you look worse than before you started.

Think of a balloon- if you only squeeze one end, the other enlarges, right? This is similar to what happens over time after a mini tummy tuck. Not good.

I think you would be much happier with a more traditional tummy tuck, or a modified tummy tuck in which your muscles are tightened above and below your belly button, with a lowering of your belly button. In the Baltimore/Washington area, I would go see Dr. Navin Singh. (Armando Soto, MD, FACS, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

Mini Tummy Tuck or Full abdominoplasty

You are an excellent candidate for a muscle repair which generally requires a full tummy tuck. It is not possible from this picture to determine if you need a mini or full or something in between (called a “marriage” or midi abdominoplasty. This can only be determined by examination and occasionally will require a decision on the operating room table. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Full or mini tummy tuck, skin is the issue

A full tummy tuck generally involves a full transverse lower abdominal incision, trans-location of the umbilicus, and full repair of the sit-up muscles or diastasis. The full tummy tuck is very effective at removing the skin laxity and stretchmarks below the umbilicus, and some above as well. The belly button is not moved, it is left right where it started, and is brought through the tummy skin at the correct location, hence a scar line around the belly button as well. If the skin laxity warrants it, the full tummy tuck is the thing to do. A mini tummy tuck is not as ‘standard’ so it is important to ask about what to expect.

Mini Tummy Tuck or Full Tummy Tuck surgery

Generally our practice defines a mini tummy tuck as a slightly shorter low transverse incision, and no (not needed) umbilical trans-location because the laxity does not warrant it. The diastasis still is corrected from the chest down to the pubic area if needed in a mini tummy tuck (not all surgeons will).

Some practices may define a mini tummy tuck as the lower half of the abdomen only, and as your abdomen as pictured could benefit from full tightening of the muscle ask if their mini will do it. Just a few comments on the high umbilicus. I do not feel that they exist, and yours is quite normal.

If you place your thumbs on the top of your hip/pelvic bone, your index fingers will wrap around and point at your belly button, just where it should be. This is true for everyone, none too high or too low. Some surgeons will extend the effectiveness of a mini tummy tuck by moving the umbilicus and inch or so lower, and there are well received publications out there which demonstrate the results.

The Mini Tummy Tuck or Full Tummy Tuck

I do not happen to like them as I prefer what is ‘normal’. Just a caution so you can ask ahead what will be done, and take time to decide what is right for you.(Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck vs liposuction depends on muscle tone

A full tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) provides your surgeon the opportunity to tighten the abdominal wall that is stretched from pregnancy. It is difficult to tell from a photo whether this is necessary, but the belly button location is not an issue. Liposuction with a mini tummy tuck will do a nice job of tightening the lower abdominal skin and improve the contour if the muscle layer is not causing your fullness. Often one can get nice improvement with liposuction alone and especially with Smartlipo, to achieve good skin tightening without the down time of a tummy tuck. But, these techniques will not help a weak abdominal wall and will not change the appearance of your C-section scar. (Steven L. Ringler, MD, FACS, Grand Rapids Plastic Surgeon)