Modified tummy tuck

Tummy tuck vs. modified tummy tuck

It is difficult to say for sure which procedure would benefit you most just by viewing these photos.

A modified tummy tuck works well for a select group of patients who have loose skin concerns isolated to the area below the umbilicus.

A full tummy tuck would be recommended if you need your muscle layer tightened and if the loose skin is above and below the umbilicus.

Consult a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who has a great deal of experience with tummy tucks and ask to see as many photos of his work as possible.

The modified tummy tuck

Chose a surgeon who is experienced and with whom you feel comfortable. (Christopher J. Morea, MD)

Would I be recommended for a full or modified tummy tuck?

It is a bit difficult to answer this question without being able to discuss your ultimate goal. If you want just a little tightening and not as long of a scar, then a modified tummy tuck might be enough. I usually tell my patients that mini surgeries give mini results.

I believe you will have a much better result with a full tummy tuck as more tissue is able to be removed and your belly button revised. Your concerns are best discussed with a plastic surgeon who has had significant experience in body contouring surgery. (Brian J. Lee, MD, Fort Wayne Plastic Surgeon)

Modified or full tummy tuck

Modified tummy tuck operation

There are many different kinds of modified tummy tucks. Some involve only removal of skin from below the umbo. Some involve removal of minimal skin. Be sure to consult with an experienced board certified surgeon prior to surgery. I am a bit concerned about the elasticity of your lower abdominal skin.

Many patients who have mini tucks wish they had more. The umbilical incision with a full tummy tuck is an important component. Be sure to see lots of photos by surgeons looking at their umbo results (Terrence Murphy, MD, Englewood Plastic Surgeon)

A mini tummy tuck is possible but will not correct belly button area

Modified tummy tuck before

Based on your photograph you do not have much excess skin so a mini tummy tuck could tighten the lower abdomen. However if you have loose skin above the belly button a full tummy tuck is better. The most important issue is where you want your tummy tuck scar. Because you do not have a lot of excess skin a full tummy tuck will require a significantly higher incision then would a mini. Please consult a board certified plastic surgeon for an exam and consultation. (Brooke R. Seckel, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

I think that you’ll do better with a full tuck so that your umbilical position doesn’t get dragged too low. Your thin so you should get a nice result. (Scott Tucker, MD, Winston Salem Plastic Surgeon)

A full tt will give you a much better result. 2 reasons. It will allow the surgeon to position your belly button higher (yours is low now and therefore not conducive to a mini), which is more attractive. It also allows for aggressive tightening of your muscle fascia. (Peter Fisher, MD, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)