Need a tummy tuck

There are a variety of surgical procedures or combinations that can produce good tummy tuck results in patients with abdominal laxity, depending on multiple factors including their anatomy and degree of desired improvement: A mini tummy tuck, an umbilical float modified tummy tuck, a full abdominoplasty.

Each of these can be performed with or without liposuction and with or without abdominal muscle repair. They produce different degrees of improvement.

Patients with your particular anatomy will generally get the best cosmetic result with a full tummy tuck and liposuction of selective areas.

Following the advice of anyone who would presume to tell you exaxtly what to do based on two dimensional photos without taking a full medical history, examining you, feeling and assessing your tissue tone, discussing your desired outcome and fully informing you about the pros and cons of each option would not be in your best interest.

Am i need a tummy tuck

Find a plastic surgeon that you are comfortable with and one that you trust and listen to his or her advice. The surgeon should be certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and ideally a member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). You should discuss your concerns with that surgeon in person. (Robert Singer, MD, La Jolla Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck is the answer for post pregnancy tummies

Tummy Tuck is what you need. It is an operation where abdominal muscles are tightened and excess redundent skin of tummy is removed to give you back your waistline and flat tummy. Often a liposuction is done in flank areas to enhance hour glass effect. (Vasdev Rai, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Am i need a tummy tuck my photo

As a bodybuilder, I understand the importance of diet and exercise. However, a short scar tummy tuck with liposuction of the sides and back would produce a very nice change for you. (Kenneth B. Hughes, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Diet and exercise will definitely improve your contour, but it will do nothing to help your stretch marks, loose skin. I would recommend a tummy tuck that may have a small vertical scar on pubic area. (Carlos Lopez Collado, MD, Dominican Republic Plastic Surgeon)

You’re having a nice looks pretty good to have had four children. I do see the excess skin that you’re talking about. I would recommend a mini tummy tuck or an endoscopic tummy tuck. I would definitely seek several consultations from board-certified plastic surgeons. (Earl Stephenson, Jr., MD, DDS, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Am i need a tummy tuck skin

A standard full TT including tightening the muscle separation that can be especially bad after a multiple birth, will give you the youthful tight tummy a 24 year old Mom will want. (Ronald V. DeMars, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)

You have a skin overhang, stretch marks with moderate diastasis. I think a Full tummy tuck with liposuction to your hips and flanks will serve you best. You are a good candidate for this procedure already.

However, your navel is slightly higher than the average person. You may have to accept a small vertical scar as a trade off, pending personal evaluation. (Maan Kattash, MD, FRCS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Need a tummy tuck surgery photo

Yours is a case where an exam would be helpful in making a plan. The key to a discussion and exam would be determining which version of a tummy tuck is best for you. There is not much difference between a mini tummy tuck and a full tummy tuck in regards to recovery but there can be a really big difference in how much can be achieved. If you have enough skin to do a full tummy tuck, I would tend to push patients like you in that direction.

It’s my experience that if someone has enough skin for a full, doing a mini won’t give them their maximum benefit. There are examples, however, where a short scar or mini abdominoplasty can provide great results and improvement while limiting the length of scar and avoiding a scar around the belly button.

Need a tummy tuck operation

Find a surgeon you like in an office that makes you feel comfortable and keep looking until you get the right one. This is a permanent change to your body and a little extra time and money now can make a long standing impact in how you feel for decades.

I included some photos of a mini that started out somewhat similar to you. (Jeremy Pyle, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)

Depending on your areas of concern, many women are well-served by a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) after they are done having children. A tummy tuck will typically remove all of the loose, stretched skin between the pubic area and the belly button, as well as tighten the abdominal wall, both of which will create a tighter, flatter belly.

Often times, a tummy tuck is combined with other procedures for a more complete rejuvenation. Such procedures include liposuction, breast augmentation, and/or breast lift. The combination of procedures is frequently referred to as a Mommy Makeover. I recommend you consult with a board certified plastic surgeon to further discuss your goals. (Nicholas Tarola, MD, Nashville Plastic Surgeon)