Pregnancy after tummy tuck risks
Pregnancy after tummy tuck
Typically a pregnancy can be satisfactorily accomplished after a tummy tuck.
There will be some compromise in your surgical outcome and you might eventually need another tuck down the road.
However in my experience, having observed this in several patients over the years, their results after the pregnancy were still better than prior to undergoing the tummy tuck. (Deason Dunagan, MD, Huntsville Plastic Surgeon)
Getting pregnant after a tummy tuck
After a tummy tuck, it is possible to become pregnant. During the surgery, we typically tighten the muscles and the overlying skin.
If a patient becomes pregnant after receiving the surgery, their skin and muscles will stretch out. Keep in mind that a pregnancy may change the appearance of your abdomen.
Some patients request a revision of their tummy tuck after a pregnancy. To learn more about tummy tucks, see photos, and help you decide which one is best for you, please visit us at the link below. (Pat Pazmino, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
Pregnancy after a full tummy tuck is possible without risks.
This is not an ideal situation for you because you have barely had a year to enjoy the benefits of your newer flatter stomach but yes, you can have a full term pregnancy after a tummy tuck. I am aware of about 4 patients in my practice, including one employee who have exactly done that. Clearly you may need another tummy tuck after the birth. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Tummy tuck down the drain
You will have no risks for your pregnancy related to the old tummy tuck, but you may need another tightening after the baby comes! (Robert M. Freund, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Previous tummy tuck will not interfere with pregnancy.
The only problem you should have is that the pregnancy will probably undo the improvement in your shape of the tummy tuck. (George J. Beraka, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Pregnancy risks is possible after a tummy tuck.
You can absolutely go thru with a pregnancy after a tummy tuck, usually without any problems and risks. You must realize that your abdomen will not look the same after your child is born than before you got pregnant. More than likely you had the procedure in the first place to correct loose muscles and hanging skin.
The muscles and skin that was tightened during the tummy tuck, will need to stretch to accomodate your pregnancy. They will most likely not return to your pre-tummy tuck shape.
I do recommend Neutrogena Sesame Oil to all of my patients who get pregnant. I am not clear on the process, but it does help significantly to reduce stretch marks and skin laxity after a pregnancy. (David A. Dreyfuss, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Although patients can get pregnant after a tummy tuck, I prefer that my patients defer this operation until after they complete having pregnancies. It’s like getting the dents removed from a car and then putting it into a demolition derby. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Pregnancy is possible after tummy tuck but will undo some of the results.
- Pregnancy after tummy tuck risks image
- Pregnancy after tummy tuck risks image
- Pregnancy after tummy tuck operation risks
- A pregnancy after tummy tuck risks
- Pregnancy after tummy tuck risks gallery
- Pregnancy after the tummy tuck risks image
- Pregnancy after tummy tuck risks images
- The pregnancy after tummy tuck risks image photo
You probably should have thought the pregnancy options out before having a tummy tuck. It is possible to have a normal pregnancy but you’ll be doing things in reverse order. The baby comes first. The tummy tuck comes later. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)