Recovery tummy tuck

Tummy tucks are usually done as outpatient tummy tuck surgery. I allow my patient to shower with drains in place after two days. The first surgical drain is usually removed in about a week and the second in the second week. If muscle repair is done then you should not lift over 10 lbs for six weeks. After the first two visits for drain removal then patients are seen in about 3 weeks and at 3 months. I have patients wear compression for about a month postop to help with tummy tuck swelling and to support the skin.

The amount of postop pain is variable. Most patients are off of narcotic pain meds in about 5 to 7 days. A nerve block performed at the time of surgery can help decrease postop pain.
(Susan D. Vasko, MD, FACS, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery tummy tuck photo

There have been several recent advances in tummy tuck (aka abdominoplasty). The use of liposuction at the same time as the abdominoplasty, (4D VASER lipoabdominoplasty) along with liposuction in other areas of the trunk and extremities, plus fat grafting (fat transfer) have greatly improved the artistry of the procedure and the results achieved are far better than ever before.

New techniques and instrumentation allow easier handling of the tissues and facilitate the surgical procedure.

Other special techniques, now permit the performance of the abdominoplasty or lipoabdominoplasty without the need for cumbersome tummy tuck drains!

Photo of recovery tummy tuck

I have been using Exparel for about 18 months now. This amazing drug allows a patient to experience minimal, and sometimes even no discomfort whatsoever following surgery. The medication lasts four days at which time there would not be much discomfort anyway. Typical need for narcotic pain medication is often less than 3 doses in total following surgery. Truly amazing recovery tummy tuck and better tummy tuck results! (Mark D. Epstein, MD Stony Brook Plastic Surgeon)

The length of your recovery tummy tuck will depend on how much skin and fat is removed at the time of your surgery. Typically you will have drains in for at least 1 week and won’t be able to drive for 1-2 weeks. Full recovery tummy tuck will take between 4-6 weeks.

  • You will be able to stand up straight after approximately 2 weeks and should be able to lift 5-10 lbs at that time.
  • Bottom Line: give yourself
  • plenty of time to return to a strenuous type of work, 7-10 days for a desk job, 2 weeks to running after little ones!

Recovery tummy tuck image

(Michele Koo, MD, FACS, Saint Louis Plastic Surgeon)

Depending on one’s career, it is not unusual for people to be back at work in one week following tummy tuck surgery. There will be physical limitations beyond that time, depending on the extent of your surgery. Follow your doctors orders carefully. Not all plastic surgeon’s use pain pumps. I do. I include a pain pump in the cost of surgery as I feel it makes recovery tummy tuck much more comfortable.

Patients will wear a garment / binder following surgery. Many people actually find that a compression garment provides some comfort following surgery.

There will be some swelling post-operatively, but over days and weeks, you will see a flatter tummy and a smaller waist.

Recovery tummy tuck picture

Post tummy tuck post-operative care and visits in my practice are as follows
1) I check on patients the same veining after surgery
2) Patients stay overnight with nursing care
3) I will see patients again the next morning after surgery
4) The next post-operative appointment will be 2-3 days later
5) One week post-operative appointment
6) Two week post operative appointment
7) Three month post operative appointment
7) six month post operative appointment
8) One year post-operative appointment.

Of course, if patients have any questions or concerns, they will be seen more often. I do expect out of town patients to stay in town one week. (Michael Law, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery tummy tuck 4 weeks

A tummy tuck usually takes a month or so to recover from. I tell my patients that you will be moving slow the first week, that you will feel pretty good after the second and that you will want to get back to normal activites by a month. I usually restrict my patients from abdominal exercises and stretching (ie yoga) for 6-8 weeks to minimize any tension on the muscle repair or scar. Walking is strongly encouraged very soon after surgery though.

Usual followup is at 1 week, 2 weeks, 6 weeks and 3 months. (Rodger Shortt, FRCSC, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

A recovery tummy tuck is somewhat similar to recovery from a c-section (for all the women out there who have experienced this). The muscle tightening part of the procedure is what causes the most discomfort. Most patients take pain pills during the first week and walk a bit hunched over, and are feeling a lot better by week 2.

Depending on your job, 10-14 days off work is usually adequate. Women will small children need help caring for them during the first postoperative week. I have my patients start walking (a little) the evening of surgery, progressing slowly over the next 4-6 weeks. Usually full activity and working out is ok at 6 weeks.

All of my tummy tuck patients stay at an overnight outpatient facility the evening of surgery and I see them in the office the next day, week 1, week2, week 4-6 and then 3 months and 6-12 months. Some patients come in more often or less, depending on their needs and desires. I don’t use drains (instead something called “progressive tensions sutures” are used, so that makes recovery tummy tuck better since patients don’t have to deal with the discomfort and additional issue of measuring fluid output. We walk all our patients through how to take care of and optimize scarring after surgery. Final swelling can take 3-6 months to resolve completely (or more), and the scar continues to improve for 1+ years after surgery. Many patients still feel a bit “tight” in the abdomen for many months to a year following surgery. (Michelle Spring, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)