Risks of tummy tuck

How safe is a tummy tuck?

Tummy tucks are a very popular and safe way to contour the abdomen and trunk.

Patients should keep in mind that this is a significant procedure that requires repositioning of the muscles tightening the tissues and removing excess fat and skin.

For this reason, it is essential that you work with a board-certified plastic surgeon was a great deal of experience in abdominoplasty and body contouring.

Such a surgeon will be able to evaluate you and determine what procedures need to be done onto your muscle layer, your fat layer, and your skin.

Risks of tummy tuck photo

They will also assess for the integrity of your muscle wall and determine if you have any risks of breathing difficulties or clotting after the surgery.

When performed by a experienced surgeon, tummy thoughts are safe and the tummy tuck results can be dramatic. To learn more about tummy tucks, see photos, and help you decide which one is best for you, please visit us (Pat Pazmino, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck safety

Tummy tucks like all other operations have its risks. In general it is a very safe operation. The complication ratesare about the same as in other operations that we do. I would say the biggest issue for patients is the discomfort post-op. It is a bit more than some other procedures. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck safety

Risks of tummy tuck image

Any surgical procedure carries a certain amount of risk. We can decrease the risks by taking certain measures:

  • 1. Who is doing the surgery? Should be a Board Certified PS.
  • 2. Where? A certified Facility or Hospital.
  • 3. Anesthesia should be administered by a board certified Anesthesiologist.
  • 4. You will need to be in good health.

We require a complete history and physical exam and blood work by your Family MD and clearance for tummy tuck surgery. You need to meet with the PS and discuss all your options, and risks .

The Risks of tummy tuck

The risks are like any other surgery, provided you are healthy, the risks include:

  • infection
  • Bleeding
  • hematoma, seroma
  • skin necrosis, delayed healing
  • Blood Clots (DVT)
  • Pulmonary Emboli (BLOOD CLOT IN THE LUNG), very serious
  • Unsatisfactory results
  • The need for further surgery, or hospitalization (AT YOUR COST). (Samir Shureih, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

Risks associated with tummy tuck procedures include:

Risks of abdominoplasty

As with any surgical procedure, there are certain risks involved with having a tummy tuck.

Risks associated with this procedure include:

  • Necrosis (death of living cells and tissue)
  • Seroma (an accumulation of clear fluid in the body after surgery)
  • Haematoma (the formation of a blood clot under the skin)
  • Infections
  • Opening of the wound
  • Delayed wound healing
  • Visual flaws that may result in the need for secondary correction
  • Possible permanent numbness in the lower abdominal skin
  • Leg clots

The incidence of these types of risks increase in obese individuals, and for this reason, they are generally encouraged to lose as much weight as possible before having a tummy tuck. Despite these risks, reports indicate that the majority of tummy tucks that are performed lead to excellent results with only a small number of individuals experiencing serious complications.

It is important to know the risks that are associated with any type of surgical procedure, but a tummy tuck is not considered to be a life-threating or unsafe technique. Your doctor can also discuss the safety and potential risks of this procedure with you. (Norman G. Morrison, MD, FACS)