Should I lose weight before a tummy tuck

I would recommend getting within 10-15 pounds of your goal weight before having a tummy tuck. The skin will look more loose, but you will also be able to remove as much skin as possible. Waiting will ensure a longer lasting result.

I tell my patients that they don’t have to get completely down to their ideal weight, because the skin removed with the tummy tuck will weigh some pounds also. Many patients can then exercise more easily and be able to lose the last 5-10 pounds after their tummy tuck. (Stanley Castor, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)

For a patient who is working very hard to loose weight in preparation for a tummy tuck one of the most important issues is for the weight to be at a stable point. In my practice patients are instructed to continue weight loss until the desired point is reached and only then seek advice from a board certified plastic surgeon if they are a good candidate for a surgical correction. Choosing the right operation for the right patient makes for a GREAT outcome. (Z. Paul Lorenc, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Should i lose weight before a tummy tuck question

When you have your Tummy Tuck you should be at the best weight that you hope to achieve. If you feel that you will lose 30 more pounds, then delay your Tummy Tuck until you reach that point. Be honest with yourself concerning how much that you think that you can lose. Being at your best weight will make your tummy tuck surgery go more smoothly and lead to a better result. Losing the weight after the Tummy Tuck may cause loosening of the skin. (Richard Restifo, MD, New Haven Plastic Surgeon)

Virtually every patient I see for Tummy Tuck consultation after a massive weight loss still wants to lose more weight, even though they may have been at a plateau for some time. I think what they don’t realize is there is a certain amount of fat weight still attached to the extra skin and it just is not possible to lose that until the skin is gone. The only way to know for sure is have a consultation with a plastic surgeon that is experienced in body contouring after a major weight loss, and by all means ask to see tummy tuck before and after photos. (Ronald V. DeMars, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)

Should i lose weight before a tummy tuck surgery

If you get a tummy tuck and then proceed to lose another thirty pounds there may be a little excess skin and soft-tissue laxity that re-develops. A smaller amount of weight loss after a tummy tuck is reasonable but weight loss in the vicinity of 30lbs may be best lost before the tummy tuck. (Remus Repta, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)

I advise my patients that it is always best to achieve their goal weight and maintain it for several months prior to surgery. Every patient is different and your well trained surgeon will evaluate your body and your weight loss history to determine when it is realistic for you to schedule your surgery. The goal for any surgical procedure is for you to look your best and have long term tummy tuck results. (Christine Sullivan, MD, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)

It’s always best to wait until you’ve reached your target weight before proceeding with a tummy tuck.

If your weight has not stabilized, and your were to lose more weight after a tummy tuck, it’s possible that your results could be negatively affected. (Kelly Gallego, MD, FACS, Yuba City Plastic Surgeon)

Weight loss prior to tummy tuck

Should i lose weight before abdominoplasty

I know that the excess skin that remains can be difficult to live with. The question of whether or not to lose additional weight is common. I tell patients what is important is to get to a weight they can maintain. I discourage crash diets or other “quick fixes” just to get that weight because after the diet the weight is put back on. The abdominoplasty can often accomplish that look of extra weight loss and when the patient feels better about themselves they often loose additional weight or simply maintain their current weight. We want this experience to be happy and stress free. Crash diets are never stress free. (Sheila Bond, MD, Montclair Plastic Surgeon)

Weight loss goals are sometimes set so low that a person may never reach them, or if they do, they will rebound with a 20 lb weight gain after the surgery. So I don’t require a hard and fast number be reached, but more importantly that you’ve lost as much as you think you can and your weight has been stable. (Mario Loomis, MD, Middletown Plastic Surgeon)

Should i lose weight before tummy tuck

Having a tummy tuck before reaching your ideal weight

It is common that someone who is successfully losing weight will find that the last few pounds are the toughest. As a rule of thumb, I will typically go ahead with surgery if the patient is within 15-20 pounds of their realistic goal weight. The procedure I do won’t change within that weight range, so from a surgical standpoint it’s not going to really make a difference whether you’ve arrived at your goal weight or you’re 15 pounds above it. I have often seen patients get really motivated after the procedure, and then when they’ve recovered they have an easier time getting to their goal weight. (Douglas J. Mackenzie, MD, Santa Barbara Plastic Surgeon)

Losing weight prior to tummy tuck

Should lose weight before tummy tuck

Personally, rather than talking pounds / stones / kilograms – it would be more accurate to consider your BMI. The closer you are to a BMI of 23-25 and remain there – the greater your results will be.

Ideally, for you to have the best possible cosmetic result you SHOULD be at your ideal weight (based on actuarial tables – not what you may feel is the goal (which could be too harsh or too lax)) for at least 4-6 months.

If a tummy tuck is done and you go one and lose more weight, you WILL have more skin looseness than you and your surgeon intended.

It goes without saying that for your surgery to go well, your nutritional status must be good. Being in negative protein balance to squeeze further weight loss from your body will result in poor healing with widened scars. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)