Surgery to remove visceral fat

Visceral fat is not removed with a tummy tuck

Visceral fat is the fat that surrounds our intestinal organs. It is not possible to remove this fat with surgery. Weight loss is the only way to get rid of visceral fat. (Michael S. Hopkins, MD, Albuquerque Plastic Surgeon)

This has, in fact, been tried in the past but is not currently advised as it is very invasive and the risks are significant.

Visceral fat (or fat on the inside) can only be addressed through traditional means (diet and exercise) or via bariatric surgery (gastric bypass).

Tummy tucks and liposuction on the other hand are an excellent means to address external fat and muscle (fascial) weakness in the appropriate patient. (Nicolas M. Hynes, MD, Hamilton Plastic Surgeon)

Visceral fat removal surgery image

Is visceral fat removed during a tummy tuck?

A traditional tummy tuck removes the skin and fat outside the abdominal wall as well as tightening of the abdominal wall when necessary. Tightening of the abdominal wall will often improve bulging of the stomach related to visceral fat but does not actually remove it.

Unfortunately, because visceral fat is intimately attached to the vital organs there is no safe way to remove it surgically and only diet and exercise can help. Additional superficial fat can be removed from the abdominal flap that remains, but this will require liposuction to be added to your tummy tuck. (Mathew A. Plant, MD, FRCSC, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

The surgery to remove visceral fat

A Tummy tuck removes excess skin from the abdomen, and usually tighttens the abdominal muscles. The level of the surgery is superficial to the abs. Visceral fat is deep to the muscles and includes fat around the organs. You do not touch visceral fat as you stay above the abs. (George Lefkovits, MD, )

Visceral fat is not removed in a tummy tuck. The only way to reduce the amount of visceral fat is via diet and excercise. The presence of visceral fat often produces a larger upper abdomen after the lower tissue is removed in the surgery. It is best to address visceral fat issues before undergoing a tummy tuck in order to maximize your results. (David Mathes, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Visceral fat is not removed by tummy tuck and it is not removed by liposuction. Weight loss is critical if visceral fat is a significant component. (Kenneth B. Hughes, MD, Oxnard Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck, visceral fat

Surgery tummy tuck to remove visceral fat

No, visceral fat is that fat which surrounds your internal organs, beneath the abdominal muscles and connective tissue that makes up your abdominal wall. Weight loss is the best way to reduce visceral fat. (Paul Watterson, MD, Aurora Plastic Surgeon)

visceral fat is not removed with liposuction

Visceral fat is the fat that is near and around the organs inside the abdomen. Liposuction can only safely remove fat from between the skin and the abdominal wall. Visceral fat is diminished with weight loss.

(Remus Repta, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon) Visceral fat is not removed during a tummy tuck. This fat is located within your abdominal cavity. The only way to reduce this fat is through weight loss by dieting and exercise.