Tattoos to cover tummy tuck
Your lower tattoos will be most affected and probably removed with the procedure to keep the scar low. The upper tattoos will be least affected but probably slightly stretched. (Larry S. Nichter, MD, MS, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)
Change of tattoo with Tummy Tuck surgery
From your photo, it is difficult to see your tattoos to cover tummy tuck and also difficult to assess your abdominal area clearly.
If you proceed with tummy tuck surgery, the tattoos immediately around the lower abdomen will most likely be removed and the others that are up higher may move slightly and/or be stretched a bit.
You need to discuss your concerns with your surgeon and see if he/she is willing to “work around” your tattoos. If this is a great concern of yours, you may want to re-consider having the tummy tuck surgery. Please consult with a board certified plastic surgeon with experience in abdominal surgery to get the best results. (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)
Some or parts of tattoos may be removed during tummy tuck
Some or parts of your tattoos in the abdominal areas may be removed during the tummy tuck procedure depending on their location. It is possible that some plastic surgeons may be able to work around the presence of your tattoos if you ask them. (James Tang, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Tummy Tuck and Tattoos to cover tummy tuck
Contact a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. Upon consultation and examination you will be able to discuss your concerns with your abdomen and the removal/preservation of your tattoos.
Your Surgeon will be able to discuss treatment options and together you can decide what is best for you. (Christine Sullivan, MD, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)
The effect of a Tummy tuck on my Tattoos
Hi there- Without examining you, it is difficult to say confidently what you could expect to happen to your tattoos, but generally speaking if you are having a full tummy tuck you should expect tattoos to cover tummy tuck in the lower abdominal region to be removed, with tattoos higher than your belly button either appearing lower on the belly, or stretched by the increased skin tension after surgery.
I would recommend you review this with your surgeon, who both understands the details of your planned surgery, and has the benefit of having examined you. (Armando Soto, MD, FACS, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)
Wings will fly south not away
Your tattoos are fairly high. During the tummy tuck they will move lower (mid to low abdomen). They will not be completely removed. (Earl Stephenson, Jr., MD, DDS, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Skin below your belly button is removed with a tummy tuck
The removal of your tattoos to cover tummy tuck is really your choice because of where they are located. The ones below your belly button can be removed with a tummy tuck, but if you like them the incision can be placed above them.
The placement of the tattoos may move, but at least they will be preserved. As far as the others, they can be lightened with lasers or excised with surgery if you want them removed. (Jeffrey E. Schreiber, MD, FACS, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)
Tattoo movement with tummy tuck surgery
Tummy tuck will only move scars and tattoos which are on your abdominal skin. Your photo is from far away, so I don’t know if the tattoos on your abdomen are below the rib cage or above it. The tattoos below your breast area MAY move slightly with a tummy tuck if the surgeon has to elevate the skin up to the rib cage, but it is hard to say with this photo. (Michael A. Jazayeri, MD, Santa Ana Plastic Surgeon)
Tattoos and tummy tuck surgery
A tummy tuck should only move the tattoos on your abdomen, if you have any in this location. The tattoos on your back and hips really should not be altered. It loks as if you have two small tattoos in the groin region, and these may be partially eliminated. Once your scars heal, you could probably have these done again if desired. (Nina S. Naidu, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)
There are a lot of opinions expressed in reply to your question, but the only ones who can give you an accurate answer are those who have personally examined you.
Pictures can be deceiving. It is possible that you may benefit most from what is called an extended mini-abdominoplasty, in which the lower tattoos in the groin are would be removed.
I believe there are some stretch marks in the lower abdomen so lipo alone doesn’t seem likely to give a good result. On the other hand, a full tummy tuck might not be ideal either because you have a high belly button.
All of these issues can be sorted out in consultation. (Richard Baxter, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
My first reaction is you are concerned about changes or even possible removal of your tattoos. Without examining you, I can’t evaluate your abdominal wall muscle.
If this is fairly intact and all of this excess is fat, then you should try an agressive liposuction as this will not affect your tattos, give you no addotional significant scars, have a much faster healing or back to normal time, and not burn any bridges of a possible tummy tuck in the future.
I don’t think if you have the tummy tuck the upper tattoos to cover tummy tuck will change much and the ones on the hip will need to be replaced once you are healed. Let us know what you and your plastic surgeon decide. (Steven Schuster, MD, Boca Raton Plastic Surgeon)
- Tattoos to cover tummy tuck scar
- Tattoos to cover tummy tuck pictures
- Tattoos to cover tummy tuck picture
- Tattoos to cover tummy tuck photos
A tummy tuck can change tattoos
A tummy tuck involves removing skin of the lower abdomen, therefore if a tattoo is located fully within the excision pattern it can be removed, if it is adjacent, it may be partly removed, stretched or distorted. A tattoo technically would not be moved unless it was transferred by a tissue flap or grafted somewhere else.
You don’t appear to need a tummy tuck. agree with the prior plastic surgeons. liposuction alone may be sufficient for you (David J. Levens, MD, Coral Springs Plastic Surgeon)