Tummy tuck after weight loss

Tummy tuck after weight loss before and after picture

Nice flat tummy is one of the signs of visual appeal. Alas, bad heredity, unhealthy lifestyle, unbalanced diet, certain illnesses, pregnancy and childbirth, as well as a consumer attitude toward one’s own body over time can lead to undesirable changes of body contours, including, to the appearance of sagging of abdomen.

And very often is not easy to remove the excess with the problem area of the abdomen with diet and exercise. Because overstretching of the skin and the divergence of the abdominal muscles due to a sudden weight loss or pregnancy and childbirth usually leads to sagging skin on the abdomen, from which it is difficult to get rid with non-invasive way. Therefore, in many cases, abdominoplasty (or tummy tuck) is the fastest and surest way of gaining of elegant silhouette.

When abdominoplasty is effective?

Tummy tuck after weight loss before and after pictures

Tummy tuck after weight loss is high demanded surgery for both women and men who feel a sense of discomfort and dissatisfaction due to excess fat, hanging skin, formation of “the hood” from excess skin above the navel, weakened muscles in the abdomen, and so called “apron” – ugly hanging skin and fat folds in the lower abdomen.

Typically, patients who decided for abdominoplasty – are men and women over the age of 35-40 years. But this plastic surgery does not have any strict age limits: some women at a young age are willing to tighten the tummy, which has lost its shape after pregnancy and childbirth, or simply without any physical effort make their stomach flat, giving it using plastics more aesthetic appearance .

Tummy tuck after weight loss midicare

Tummy tuck after weight loss effectively used for the elimination such problems as stretch marks or scars on the skin in the belly area, the difference in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, the excessive accumulation of subcutaneous fat and skin. However, in deciding on surgery, you need to understand that with the help of plastic in the stomach does not get rid of extra pounds or general obesity at any stage.

So often, for complex solution of the problems associated with general obesity, experts consider the best one for the combination of the two surgeries – tummy tuck and liposuction.

Peculiarities of tummy tuck surgery after weight loss

Tummy tuck after weight loss nhs

Abdominoplasty after growing thin is surgery, which relieves the patient from violating proportions of whole anterior abdominal wall, which was the cause of hyperextension of the abdominal muscles and a significant increase in the thickness and therefore the size of skinfold in the belly area.

Typically, this operation is carried out with the movement of the navel: without this is almost impossible to do lifting upper abdomen. Also during surgery necessarily make plastic of muscles located on the anterior abdominal wall, which is responsible for the profile of the abdomen. After abdominoplasty is almost invisible to the unaccustomed eye the scar around the belly button and a long thin scar on the pubis, which is easily hidden under the underwear.

Tummy tuck surgery after weight loss

Directly surgical intervention can be performed on the anterior abdominal wall as the horizontal and vertical lines, and sometimes – and both. Plastic surgeon takes into account the natural lines of the patient’s body – it allows you to do tummy tuck scars virtually invisible.

At the end of surgery performed drainage of postoperative wound and superimposed cosmetic seams. Today, there is the possibility of a partial abdominoplasty (or mini-abdominoplasty): it is performed in the case when the problem area is part of the abdomen between the navel and the line of growth of pubic hair. At full abdominoplasty, correction is made for whole abdominal wall.

Tummy tuck after growing thin is carried out only with the use of general anesthesia, it eliminates any fears of the patient regarding pain and other discomfort during surgery.

The postoperative period

Tummy tuck after weight loss pics

After surgery, the patient is usually resides in a hospital under the supervision of qualified medical staff from 1 to 3 days: the period depends on the general state of health and the opinion of the doctor who performed the surgery.

For faster healing scar and in order, that it became as thin as possible and more imperceptibly, we recommend not completely straighten the body in the very first days after undergoing surgery for correction of the abdomen. Sutures are removed after 2 weeks from the time of abdominoplasty.

Mandatory after tummy tuck is wearing of special compression underwear by patient : the optimal duration of wearing a doctor set individually in each case, but the minimum time for which the patient must rely – 3 weeks.

Also during several weeks the patient will have to refrain from any physical activity, and some of the exercise (for example, pumping of abdominal) will not be carried out for longer time – about 2-3 months.

After abdominoplasty is undesirable sunbathing under direct sunlight or in a tanning bed, it is not recommended to take a hot shower or bath, sauna under complete healing of postoperative suture.

Contraindications to the tummy tuck after weight loss are:

  • Diseases associated with bleeding disorders;
  • Diabetes;
  • Uncorrected pulmonary and heart failure;
  • Obesity in severe form;
  • Chronic diseases of internal organs at any stage of an exacerbation at the time of the proposed surgery;
  • Pregnancy, planned for a year or two after surgery.

Tummy tuck after weight loss surgery

Tummy tuck after weight loss is quite complicated surgery, which should carry out only by an experienced plastic surgeon, but also the result after such interventions are usually impressive: from the abdomen removed excess skin, scars, scars and stretch marks.

By making tummy tuck, a woman acquires slender silhouette and freed from many psychological complexes associated with external unattractive figure. Therefore, when deciding whether to tummy tuck, you open a new chapter of his life, in which there is a beautiful figure, good self-esteem and admiration of others.

Today, a slim figure – it is quite tangible reality. Verify the validity of these words.