Tummy tuck dog ears pictures
Dog ears are unwanted flaps of skin at the edges of a tummy tuck scar. A revision surgery can be performed to correct this problem. (Michael Law, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)
“Dog ears” are commonly associated with many body contouring procedures and will usually smooth out by 6 months postoperatively.
Larger “dog ears” will improve but usually do not completely dissappear on their own. A minor revisional surgery under local anesthesia in the office is usually performed after the tissues have stablized.
Your situation may differ somewhat from “average” but my best advice is to return to your plastic surgeon to review your concerns.
Since you are happy with the results, except for the dog ears, this minor revision may make a significant improvement in your overall satisfaction with the outcome. (Daniel M. Calloway, MD, Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon)
Ears dog correction.
Sometimes there are this kind of complications, because the ears dog is an excedent of skin they could be corrected easy with local anhestesiasometimes with a minimal liposuction and sometime needs to cut extra skin, lengthening scar a little bit. (Daniel Camacho Melo, MD, Mexico Plastic Surgeon)
“Dog ears” / excess skin after surgery
An exam with your plastic surgeon is needed. The good news is that dogears, or excess corners of skin after a surgical procedure are usually easily addressed. They can usually be revised under local anesthesia in the office with minimal downtime. Larger excisions may require sedation/OR time. See your surgeon for a personalized exam/recommendations. (Erik Hoy, MD, Newark Plastic Surgeon)
- Tummy tuck dog ears pictures and photos
- Abdominoplasty dog ears pictures
Dog ears with tummy tuck
Your swelling has probably resolved by now. It is fairly simple to have the dog ears removed under local anesthesia in the office. I would discuss your concerns with your plastic surgeon. (Tiffany McCormack, MD, Reno Plastic Surgeon)