Tummy tuck just skin removal

A tummy tuck will provide an improvement in the skin around the belly button.

Your incision should be set very low just above the pubic hairline.

This way, your scar will be hidden even with a bakini bottom. (Neil Gottlieb, MD, Philadelphia Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck Removes Loose Skin After Pregnancy

A tummy tuck is an excellent procedure for removing the extra skin from your belly. The underlying stomach muscles that are stretched during pregnancy are also tightened, which will enhance the shape of your waistline.

Tummy tuck just skin removal on belly

Many patients also benefit significantly from liposuction, which will help remove extra fat to further enhance your shape. The tummy tuck scar is usually hidden along the bikini line.

Please consult with an experienced Board Certified plastic surgeon for an in-person evaluation. (Larry Fan, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

Improving the Belly Button

We usually will be removing that skin around your belly button that has the damage from pregnancy. You should be able to get a nice smooth tummy with the tummy tuck procedure. The scar should be placed quite low, but if you have a certain style bikini you like, it would be a good idea to show that to the surgeon to make sure the scar can be placed where it will be hidden. (Ronald V. DeMars, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)

Remove excess skin with tummy tuck

Tummy tuck just skin removal image

Based on the photos you are an excellent candidate for tummy tuck. Most, if not all of the wrinkling skin can be removed from this surgery. Your scar should be just at border of pubic hairline so you would be able to wear bikini. In addition, repair of muscle can help further improve your abdominal contour. Find yourself a well qualified plastic surgeon to help you achieve your goals. (Stewart Wang, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Thin abdominal anatomy makes for improved tummy tuck results

You appear to have excellent anatomy for a standart tummy tuck – in my hands, this procedure would remove loose skin from above and below your belly button, convert your belly button into a more youthful elliptical shape, and place the scar very low on your pelvis. See a board certified plastic surgeon in your area for a consultation. (Scott C. Sattler, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck just skin removal photo before

A Tummy Tuck will tighten the skin both above and belly the belly button. I you have a specific bikini in mind, bring it to your appointment and your plastic surgeon can show you where the incision can be placed to keep it out of view. (Joseph Mele, MD, Walnut Creek Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck and wrinkly skin

While the photos do not substitute for a good physical exam, it looks like you would probably get a nice result with a tummy tuck. It is sometimes hard to predict how much skin will be excised in a patient as thin as yourself. While it may not be possible to remove all of the skin from the pubic area to the belly button, the skin above the belly button will be moved down into a lower and tighter position which will help smooth this area out. (Matthew H. Steele, MD, Fort Worth Plastic Surgeon)