Tummy tuck loose skin

We often see patients in our clinic who have a small amount of loose skin below their umbilicus or around their umbilicus. Laser lipo claims to tighten skin,but the effect is really fairly minor not addressing the problem well.

Loose skin under the umbilicus has to be removed via a mini-tummy tuck which we always combine with liposuction around the belly button and sometimes the stubborn roll of fat just below the breasts.

Tummy tuck loose skin above the umbilicus above or encircling the belly button is more problematic. Often the only solution is a full tummy tuck which we hesitate to do sometimes if the tummy tuk scar would be elevated too high, the scar was of poor quality, or the incision would need a t-type closure.

If you have minimal loose skin, I would be careful with your selection of an abdominoplasty just to address loose skin around the umbilicus. (Pramit Malhotra, MD, Ann Arbor Plastic Surgeon)

Image tummy tuck loose skin

It is always best to see your plastic surgeon prior to determining which procedure is best for you. The amount of stretch and elasticity of the skin will help decide which procedure will best suite your needs.

A tummy tuck also offers the opportunity for weakened abdominal muscles to be repaired and sutured. There is new technology being offered with radio-frequency for skin tightening verses laser. Again, a great conversation between you and your plastic surgeon. (David L. Robbins, MD, FACS, West Des Moines Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck versus laser to loose skin

Abdominoplasty loose skin

A tummy tuck is extremely effective at eliminating loose skin and stretch marks following pregnancy. Laser for the abdominal skin is not nearly as effective and may not help very much at all. Discuss the options with a board certified plastic surgeon to understand if you are a good candidate for a tummy tuck. (David Stoker, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Laser techniques can result in some limited skin tightening. More dramatic results require surgery, either a mini-tummy tuck if the looseness is only in the lower abdomen or a full tummy tuck if the problem is upper plus lower abdomen.

Every patient has their own unique anatomy and their needs will be considered during the consultation. (Susan D. Vasko, MD, FACS, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)

Loose skin tummy tuck

Laser or other energy modalities (radiofrequency, ultrasound) work by tightening the collagen bundles in the skin or thickening the deeper dermal layers of the skin by heat formation. Collagen tightening can have a limited affect on larger surface areas like the abdomen. Few patients have a good result and the difficulty is trying to determine who responds best. All women have skin tightening with a tummy tuck which can not be rivaled with lasers. The trade off is a scar which can be concealed and fades with time. (Christopher J. Kovanda, MD, Minneapolis Plastic Surgeon)

If you have excess skin and stretchmarks, currently there is not a laser device that will give adequate skin tightening for abdominal skin. If your loose skin is below your belly button only, you may be a candidate for mini tummy tuck. If the tummy tuck loose skin and stretchmarks are above the belly button, usually you will get a much better result with a full tummy tuck.

Photo of loose skin tummy tuck

Tummy tuck surgery will also address realignment of your abdominal muscles that many times are stretched out from pregnancies and surgeries. This can dramatically enhance your abdominal contour and reduce your waist.

With out a consultation, it is impossible to tell you what would be best for you. Consult with a board certified plastic surgeon for an expert opinion. (Trey Aquadro, M.D., East Alabama Plastic Surgery)

The fact that you are even annoyed by the amount of skin you have in your tummy tells me that you will need some sort of skin excision – tummy tuck. The fact that you have had 3 C Sections and a hysterectomy… tells me that you will DEFINITELY need a tummy tuck.

Find a plastic surgeon that will do the right thing, is honest about the possible results and what is best for your cosmetic goals.

Tummy tuck loose skin image

You might think you are saving time and money by doing a “minimal” procedure, but in the long run you will have still spent a good amount of money and invested a ton of emotional time only to fall short of your goals. (Michele Koo, MD, FACS, Saint Louis Plastic Surgeon)

Laser skin tightening might improve some of your tummy tuck loose skin, but the results vary from woman to woman. The tummy tuck will definitely give you a tight abdomen, and can tighten the stretched out abdominal muscles as well. No laser can tighten muscle.

Liposuction can be added with the laser to remove any excess fat. Skin tightening with laser is a gradual process over at least 6 months, and skin with laser will tighten only to a certain degree. Skin tightening with tummy tuck is seen fairly quickly and is fairly complete. I would suggest meeting with a board certified plastic surgeon to discuss the expected results with both procedures. (Connie Hiers, MD, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck loose skin photo

Laser skin tightening does not work to correct true loose skin at this juncture. In the future, there may be some skin tightening technology on the horizon. If you have true redundant skin that one can grasp, then a mini or full abdominoplasty is indicated. (Rod J. Rohrich, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Laser for Stretch Marks

To understand the answer to this question requires that we understand what stretch marks are. Stretch marks are caused by thinning of the deep layer of the skin. Unless that deep layer is restored, the treatment is incomplete. There is not a treatment that provides this benefit available. Treatments like laser are sold as solutions for stretch marks but they are used to make them slightly less obvious.

Removing the stretch marks by cutting them out are the only reliable and durable treatment we have. A laser will be an expensive step towards improvement and is very unlikely to be satisfactory. (Jeremy Pyle, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)