Tummy tuck love handles

Liposuction of flanks

In my experience liposuction is the most effective way to deal with “love handles” because it can be done through a small incision and often results in adequate shrinkage of the overlying skin.

I almost always do this in combination with abdominoplasties.

This is a real nice finishing touch to make the torso refined (Delio Ortegon, MD, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)

Love Handles; Liposuction or Tummy tuck?

Reducing the flank “love handle” areas may be done with liposuction alone, tummy tuck alone or a combination of both.

Tummy tuck love handles how to remove

It is difficult to answer this question with regard to a particular patient without photos and an examination. In general, if good skin tone is present, liposuction may be all that is needed to improve contour in these areas.

If a tummy tuck is planned, extending the incisions may be helpful with or without liposuction to help slim down these areas.

If significant redundant skin is present in these areas, in some cases the tummy tuck may be even extended circumferentially as is sometimes done in patients with massive weight loss and skin redundancy (Stephen Delia, MD, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

Several ways to smooth love handles

Tummy tuck love handles photo

Liposuction is usually the easiest way to reduce love handles, but if there is a significant amount of excess skin as well, then extending the incision further back helps as well. When there is a great deal of excess skin in that area, as is the case after massive weight loss, then we can do a lower body lift. It depends on your body type and also your wishes regarding the resultant scars. (Mario Loomis, MD, Middletown Plastic Surgeon)

Lipo or Love handles

Tummy tuck love handles Remove

Each surgeon has his or her own preferences based on expertise and experience. I prefer to utilize liposuction or coolsculpting for love handles. Consult with 3 board certified plastic surgeons to understand your options and choose the one surgeon/surgical plan that best meets your needs/objectives. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction is a routine part of the High Lateral Tension Tummy Tuck

We can extend the incision completely around the body, but strive to make the incision as short as possible. One of the ways to minimize scar length os to incorporate power assisted liposuction as part of the procedure. (Robert M. Freund, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Love handles and abdominoplasty

The tummy tuck love handles

Usually the skin tone in the love handle region is good enough to just do lipo (unless the patient has lost a lot of weight). I usually do the lipo first with the patient prone, then turn the patient and do the abdominoplasty. If there has been a lot of weight loss and there is skin laxity in the love handle area, I recommend a lower body lift which will address the abdomen, the flanks and the back. (Lisa L. Sowder, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction of the abdomen, waist and flanks can enhance the results of a tummy-tuck

I always incorporate liposuction and the abdomen and waist as part to the tummy tuck procedure. This allows me to achieve a better waistline for my patients and reduce the length of the abdominoplasty incision. If there is fullness of the flanks (lumbar roll) I frequently recommend liposuction of this area in addition to the tummy-tuck.

It there is a great deal of loose skin, I recommend lengthening the incision (extended tummy-tuck) combined with liposuction for further tightening. I recommend consulting a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon. (Andrew T. Lyos, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)