Tummy tuck post pregnancy

After a pregnancy, a woman’s body and abdomen go through significant changes. To obtain the best tummy tuck result and for your safety, it is best to wait AT LEAST 3 months, before considering such a surgery.

Also keep in mind that after a tummy tuck, you will have a 10-14 day recovery and will not be able to lift heavy objects (like a child older than a yr old) for several weeks.

Keep this in mind when planning out the time best for you to receive your tummy tuck surgery! (Pat Pazmino, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

An abdominoplasty is physiologically stressful for the patient. Before undergoing an operation of this magnitude, the patient should be fully recovered from the pregnancy (also physiologically hard on the mother).

Abdominoplasty post pregnancy

One must also factor in the convalescence, which is formidable, and the responsibilities as a mother. Certainly assistance in care of the child will be necessary at least for a few days after the operation. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

How long to wait for a tummy tuck after pregnancy

This is a very common, and a very good question. While arbitrary waiting times or guidelines, such as six months, can be helpful, these should not be considered absolute. Because with this, as in all things, it depends upon you, as an individual. To me, the most important considerations are: the health and well being of your new baby, whether further pregnancies are planned, and when you are back to your desired weight.

We can’t forget about what is going on at home. So, your routine with your new child, and your home life should be stable. You will have a time of recovery after this operation, and you need to make sure that you have the time for this. Also, if you are still breast feeding, you won’t be ready for a tummy tuck.

Image tummy tuck post pregnancy

You need to be sure that you will not be having any other pregnancies after your tummy tuck. Subsequent pregnancies will pretty much undo what you have achieved. Enough said about that!

But the biggest thing is getting back to your “fighting weight,” so to speak. If you have gotten rid of your baby weight and are happy with where you are, then you can proceed with the tummy tuck. If, however, you are still working on this, particularly if there has been weight gain from several pregnancies, you may not be ready.

If possible, I like to have patients with in 10 to 15 pounds of where they want to be weigh wise, prior to surgery. This may be within three months of delivering, or six months, or a year or more. The closer you are to your ideal weight, the better the results will be. Many times, this is the most important consideration.

Photo tummy tuck post pregnancy

For most people, working through these things will take around six months or so. But if everything is squared away, you could be ready sooner. And, of course it can take longer. But keep in mind that this is a totally elective surgery. And while you may want to get this done as soon as possible, taking a bit more time to get yourself ready, and thus getting a better result, is time well spent.

There are a variety of factors that must be considered to answer this question and consequently the answer is different for each individual. Of primary importance is for your weight to have stabilized at or close to you normal level. Continued loss of weight after the Tummy Tuck could negatively influence the result.

A second consideration is the care of your newborn. While you are recovering from a Tummy Tuck you will be unable to effectively participate in this care and nursing will become impossible.

Tummy tuck post pregnancy photo

When you are emotionally and physically prepared to give up to this care will also influence the timing of your surgery. You will also have to decide whether or not the present pregnancy is your last.

It is best to undergo a Tummy Tuck only once in part because a second Tuck poses technical problems not encountered with the first. In general, the earliest interval would be three months depending again on the individual. Your plastic surgeon in consultation should be able to advise you based on your particular situation as to the appropriate timing of you surgery. (David A. Ross, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Wait a minimum of 3 months and you should be within 10 -15 pounds of your long term weight to obtain the best result. (Michael L. Workman, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck post pregnancy surgery

How long to wait after pregnancy before tummy Tuck

There are several variables before you should consider having a tummy tuck after your pregnancy.

  1. You should wait until you are no longer breast feeding
  2. You should consider the possibility of future children and the effect this would have on your cosmetic surgery
  3. You should wait until you have lost most of your pregnancy weight to maximize your result and tightening
  4. You should also consider ensuring you have support with your newborn during your recovery.

(Ankit Desai, MD, Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck surgery post pregnancy

Being a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and a mother of three, I remember the days of looking at my body and wishing for plastic surgery immediately! In most cases, I require my patients to wait 10 months to lose their baby weight and for their bodies to adjust. Consult with a reputable Board Certified Plastic Surgeon for an examination and advice. Congratulations on your baby.(Christine Sullivan, MD, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)

Wait at least 6 months after pregnancy before having a tummy tuck

It is important to wait about 6 months after pregnancy before undergoing a tummy tuck or any other type of mommy makeover procedure. There are several reasons for this. First is for the safety of your child. Anesthesia can be passed through breast milk to you child after surgery. It is important to be sure that you are no longer breast feeding before undergoing surgery. Second is for achieving your desired results. It takes about 6 months for your body to recover from pregnancy.

Until then, the tissue is still soft and the stretching that has occured has not had the time fully return to its final state. In order to achieve an optimal result, it is also important to return to a stable weight.

An important factor to remember that many patients initially oversee is that you will need assistance with caring for your children during your intial recovery period, which is typically about two weeks.

It is also important to remember that if you become pregnant again, you may need to undergo a second tummy tuck to repair any additional stretching. This is why most surgeons recommend that patients wait until they are done having children before undergoing any type of mommy makeover procedure. (Tarick K. Smaili, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)