Tummy tuck recovery day by day

Tummy Tuck Recovery Prolonged with Steroids

The recovery process form a tummy tuck can be pretty involved and long. Especially if you have anything done to your abdominal wall internally (tightening up the muscles, etc.) It usually takes a few weeks before patients even feel as if they can stand up straight. It really is about 6-8 weeks before people feel relatievly normal.

However, in your case, because of your infections, steroids, etc., your recovery has been delayed, and it is not unsual to feel quite strange/different after doses of steroids, antibiotics, etc. Hang in there, and you will be feeling good in no time. (Christopher V. Pelletiere, MD, Barrington Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck recovery process is extended but doable

Tummy tuck recovery day by day photo

Most of my patients that are working full-time are back at work within two weeks of a ‘full’ tummy tuck. The recovery seems to be dictated by the fascial plication. Patients that require a little plication tend to bounce back more quickly than patients that are very lax and need substantial tightening.

I encourage patients to resume light exercise as soon as they feel ready. This has both physical and psychological benefits for patients. (Scott C. Sattler, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Post-op tummy tuck

The tummy tuck recovery day by day

Sorry to hear that you are having such a rough time. Usually my patients are back to daily stuff within about 2 weeks. I have them hold off on aerobic-type exercise for about 3-4 weeks and heavy lifting for 6 weeks or more. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Feeling normal after a tummy tuck

Each healing process really depends on that patients individuals needs. The normal healing process is 4-6 weeks. If you don’t feel right after 7 weeks I would consult your doctor or surgeon. It sounds like you have been through quite a bit during and after your procedures.

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I would wait out the 6 weeks and then take it from there. I hope your procedure turns out to be exactly what you wanted. (Kimberly A. Henry, MD, Greenbrae Plastic Surgeon)

Prolonged tummy tuck recovery

You appear to have had a more complicated course than is typical. It is quite common to experience almost a post-partum depression like syndrom 3 weeks after a tummy tuck. This may take an additional 3 weeks to improve. Difficulty sleeping is also quite common. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Try to be patient

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It sounds like you unfortunately have had a complicated course. It is not uncommon to experience some emotional lows, fatigue and discomfort for up to 6 weeks after an average abdominoplasty and breast augmentation/mastopexy surgery. You are only at 3 weeks and with your complicated course these findings are not at all surprsing. Be patient and speak with your plastic surgeon frequentlry so that he/she can reassure you that you are improving. (David J. Levens, MD, Coral Springs Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck recovery day by day

It can take a while to recover from this amount of tummy tuck surgery. It may take several months for the “tightness” to go away, especially of your muscles were tightened. The weepiness and sometimes depression is also not uncommon during this time after tummy tuck. (Dustin L. Reid, MD, Austin Plastic Surgeon)