Tummy tuck healing process

Tummy tucks are a major surgical procedure performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure. The muscle tightening restores your tone to its pre-pregnancy state and is what hurts the most. Most women compare the tummy tuck healing processto a C-section. Bending over could be from splinting from pain, or from fear of pulling the sutures out. Usually by 2-3 weeks most patients are standing up straight and have minimal pain. (Christopher J. Kovanda, MD, Minneapolis Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck healing process and recovery

A tummy tuck is intended to tighten the skin of the abdominal wall and, in many cases, tighten the underlying muscle layer. In the performance of a tummy tuck, an incision is made from one hip to the other.

The tummy tuck healing process

This incision is carried down to the underlying muscle layer. It does not go through the muscle layer. At the level where the fat meets the muscle, the skin and fat layer is lifted off of themuscle layer up to the belly button.

When the belly button is reached, a tummy tuck incision is made around the belly button, lifting the skin and fat layer off of the belly button and allowing the continued elevation of the skin and fat layer up to the rib cage.

Once this is performed, the belly button remains attached to the muscle layer and has not changed position.  Normally, the muscle layer is then tightened along the midportion. The skin and fat are then pulled down tightly to remove excess skin and fat. A new hole is then made for the belly button to come back out of. The belly button does not change position.The incision is then closed with stitches.

Tummy tuck healing process image

Typically, the skin layer is tight after this procedure and it takes a few days or week for this sensation of tightness to subside enough to allow a patient to stand up straight. Normally, patients resume a full standing position within one week of this tummy tuck procedure. (John J. Edney, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

The healing process can feel like it’s taking a long time.

During a tummy tuck, the abdominal muscles are pulled together and stitched in place. This tightens the framework of the abdomen again for a smoother, flatter look. Because of this process, the muscles are not as easily stretched, especially right after surgery. It takes time for them to regain the range of motion that allows you to stand fully upright, even a few months or more.

Tummy tuck healing process photo

In the meantime, try to stay positive and remember that these first challenging weeks are very short compared to the big picture and the long-lasting results of your abdominoplasty. (Frank Campanile, MD, Denver Plastic Surgeon)

Standing up after a tummy tuck

It can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks after a tummy tuck to be able to completely stand up straight. The muscle repair is the reason it’s difficult to stand up straight. You should try to do this very gradually each day. If you are having difficulty after 4 weeks I would consult your plastic surgeon.(William Bruno, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

It May Take Up To 6 Wks To Fully Recover From Abdominoplasty

Tummy tuck scar healing process

Most patients experience tightness and difficulty standing following abdominoplasty surgery. This typically lasts for about a week, but in some cases, can last longer. Initially, patients are encouraged to walk in a slightly flexed position to keep tension off the wound closure.

This also makes the immediate post operative period more comfortable. With the passage of time, patients are allowed to gradually resume an erect position and perform light activities. Strenuous activities and heavy lifting should be avoided for at least six weeks. Tightness occurs because of skin closure, and the complication of the underlying abdominal muscles. The degree of tightness that results varies from patient to patient.

Tummy tuck surgery healing process

It depends on how aggressively the surgeon has tightened both the skin and underlying muscles. When there is aggressive tightening of the abdominal muscles, there is more post-operative discomfort. Under these circumstances, patients may need to walk in a flexed position for longer periods of time. When more significant skin resections are performed, ambulation in a flexed position will be necessary for longer periods of time.

In athletes with large bulky muscles, the pain and discomfort associated with muscle tightening may be more significant. I suspect that your current symptoms are probably normal. They are probably related to aggressive tightening of both your muscles and skin.

A tummy tuck healing process

The problem is probably accentuated by stronger than average muscles which create added tension on the plication. It’s important that you communicate with your surgeon. Be patient, you may ultimately be very happy with your tummy tuck result. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Tightness after tummy tuck

What you are experiencing is in the range of normal. Tummy tucks are tight on purpose. Everyone has a different rate of skin relaxation. Day by day things should get better. Please do tell your plastic surgeon your concerns. (Jeffrey Roth, MD, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)

Tightness and Difficulty Standing Up Post-Tummy Tuck

There are various opinions concerning when is the best time to stand up completely so as to not put a strain on the abdominoplasty horizontal scar. I think that using tension relieving sutures help tremendously with this problem. I do not have any patients flexed over after abdominoplasty but some surgeons have their patients flexed for at least a week. (Paul Vitenas, Jr., MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)