Tummy tuck remove stretch marks

A tummy tuck would be a good procedure for you. It will take almost all of your stretch marks out, tighten your abdomen and remove a significant amount of excess fatty tissue. I would recommend losing your weight first if that is your plan.

Being close to your ideal weight will give you a better result from surgery. I typically remove the old C-section scar by placing the final scar below this. (David Rankin, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck Scar and Pregnancy Stretch Marks

A tummy tuck will get rid of the majority of your abdominal stretch marks. As others have said, stretch marks are removed by removing the excess, lax skin of the lower abdomen, where most patient’s stretch marks are located. In general, a tummy tuck will only get rid of the stretch marks below your belly button, but this depends somewhat on your height, width, and amount of skin laxity.

The tummy tuck remove stretch marks

The tummy tuck scar can usually be placed at or slightly below a C-section scar thus removing the C-section scar with the excess abdominal tissue. A full tummy tuck scar, which will likely be the procedure of choice for you, extends from hip bone to hip bone and can be positioned very low on the abdominal wall (about 7 cm, or 3 1/2 inches, above the upper portion of the vaginal lips).  (Jaime Perez, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck remove stretch marks

Stretch marks will be removed with the skin that is cut off with a tummy tuck. How much skin that can be removed depends on how loose it is. If there is a great deal of laxity, some stretch marks above the belly button can be removed. When previous scars are present, it is best to remove them to help get the best appearing scar. (Jon M. Grazer, MD, MPH,FACS, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tucks and Stretch Mark Removal

Tummy tuck remove stretch marks image

Typically most of the stretchmarks from below the belly button will be removed with a full abdominoplasty. Upon consultation and examination your Board certified Plastic Surgeon will be able ti discuss your anticipated results. (Christine Sullivan, MD, Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck can remove Stretch Marks after Pregnancy

A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty will generally remove stretch marks from pregnancies. The stretch marks from just above the belly button down to the pubis will be removed during a full tummy tuck.

If there are significant stretch marks above the belly button, these often remain, but are lowered during your tummy tuck surgery. You should consult with a board certified plastic surgeon to discuss your cosmetic surgery goals. (Ankit Desai, MD, Salt Lake City Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck is the cure for stretch marks

Tummy tuck remove stretch marks patient photo

A tummy tuck is the only way to cure stretch marks. The incision for a tummy tuck is elliptical and therefore removes more tissue in the midline and gradually removes less skin as the incision proceeds in each direction laterally.

If you have significant stretch marks on you hips a standard tummy tuck may not remove them and you may still have short areas of stretch marks in the area of the incision.

It just depends on the amount of skin the plastic surgeon is able to remove, and how bad your stretch marks are (how high up the abdomen they extend). If you have had a previous “C-section” scar I typically remove that old scar by making the incision just below it. (Richard H. Fryer, MD, Midlothian Plastic Surgeon)

Treating Stretch Marks after Pregnancy

Tummy tuck remove stretch marks photo

Stretch marks occurring during pregnancy are due to the thinning of the deeper layers of the skin (teh dermis) beneath the more superficial layer of epidermis. Think of it like a rip in the deeper layer of skin. In our experience the only reliable way of removing strech marks is to perform a tummy tuck type procedure.

A tummy tuck will remove excess skin from the lower abdominal wall from the level of the belly button to the level of the pubic area. The upper abdominal skin is then moved downwards creating a flat abdomen. We also usually tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall to create an internal corset.

If you have stretch marks above the level of the belly button, these will not be removed, but they will be move downward to the lower abdomen. Many times these will be covered with normal clothing. It is always best to go in to surgery after weight loss to achieve the best results. (Neil J. Zemmel, MD, FACS, Jupiter Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck removes abdominal stretch marks from pregnancy

Tummy tuck remove stretch marks picture

Yes, a tummy tuck will get rid of a lot of the stretch marks on your abdomen. The photo you submitted suggests you are still a bit “full” in the abdomen. This is probably both an issue with fat below the skin surface, as well as inside the abdominal compartment. If you are above your ideal weight, I would suggest loosing weight until you are within 10% of your idea / goal weight, and then you could proceed with the tummy tuck remove stretch marks.

If there is less “inside” you abdomen, then your surgeon can be more aggressive with the abdominal wall tightening component of the tummy tuck, and also can get rid of more skin. Typically you can remove all of the skin from the belly button down to the position of most c-section scars. All stretch marks in this region will be removed.

The stretch marks that are above your belly button will still be present, but will migrate down to the lower portion of your abdomen. A tummy tuck is a big operation, but the results can be very dramatic! (Michael A. Bogdan, MD, FACS)