Tummy tuck scar before and after

A tummy tuck will allow the surgeon to completely remove the scar and pull your skin down and tighten the muscles. You should have an excellent result.

Vertical scar and tummy tuck

A standard tummy tuck removes the skin between the belly button and the pubic hairline. If all this skin can be removed the scar will go with it.

Seek out a board certified plastic surgeon to evaluate you and tell you exactly what can be accomplished. (Robert W. Kessler, MD, FACS, Corona Del Mar Plastic Surgeon)

The tummy tuck procedure lends itself to removal of skin between the belly button and pubis. Your vertical scar should be eliminated.

Tummy tuck scar before and after photo

A board certified plastic surgeon should be able to remove all or most of that vertical incision in a tummy tuck. (Earl Stephenson, Jr., MD, DDS, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Your scar is very favorable for a tummy tuck! Please see my link to a before & after photo with a patient who had a similar scar.

The abdominoplasty can remove the majority (if not all) of your vertical scar, trading it for a horizontal on that hides below your bathing suit line. Visit with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon to discuss your goals. (Michael A. Bogdan, MD, FACS, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

I do not think that the scar would affect your result at all. Normally the skin from the umbilicus down is removed so the entire vertical scar should be removed. (Rick Rosen, MD, Norwalk Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck scar before and after image

Your vertical scar from your previous surgery should not interfere with a full tummy tuck as it will likely be removed in its entirety. If the scar extends above the belly button, it can be problematic. (John Whitt, MD, Louisville Plastic Surgeon)

You can undergo tummy tuck and get rid of the vertical scar at the same time. Tummy tuck is a great procedure to get rid of lower abdominal skin/fat and to tighten the muscle. Several of my patients who have gotten tummy tuck had a similar vertical scar from previous abdominal surgeries. By combining liposuction on the sides (flanks/waists) with tummy tuck, you should get a good result. (Sugene Kim, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Your scar can be removed with a tummy tuck and your new scar can be hidden with your underwear, try to consult a board certified surgeon who can help you get your best results. (Australia Fragoso Baez, MD, Dominican Republic Plastic Surgeon)