Tummy tuck surgery recovery

The full tummy tuck surgery recovery can take about 1 month. At this point, most women can resume their usual activities and *most* exercises. For the first week, patients are generally hunched over, bent at the waist, due to the tightness of the skin repair. By two weeks, patients are walking upright with little discomfort.

I use nerve blocks for my tummy tucks. I place Exparel (a 72 hour nerve block) deep to the Transversus abdominis muscle (Exparel TAP Block), and this greatly reduces the amount of pain my patients experience. I see my patients on the evening of their surgery, the next morning, at 4 days post, at 2 weeks and at 1 and 3 months. I like to know how they are doing every step of the way! (Adam J. Oppenheimer, MD, Melbourne Plastic Surgeon )

Abdominoplasty surgery recovery

My patients typically take 1-2 weeks off of work following a tummy tuck. After one month they begin exercise, and full exercise is typically six weeks following surgery. These recovery times are conservative estimates designed to make sure patients have a smooth recovery. (David Stoker, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck surgery recovery varies depending upon the extent of the surgery. The most painful part is usually within the first 5-10 days depending upon the amount of repair work done on the abdominal wall( muscle plication, etc…). Most of my patients are able to return to work in two weeks provided that their job does not require manual labor. The first week back at work will be exhausting and this will continue to improve with time. Practically speaking, complete recovery from the tummy tuck takes about 6 weeks, although the tummy continues to heal for months.

Photo of tummy tuck surgery recovery

Regarding post-op care, I generally see my patients once per week for the first 3 weeks and then about once a month until completely recovered. Patients are encouraged to follow-up as much or as little as they need. (John Zavell, MD, FACS, Toledo Plastic Surgeon)

Answering when a patient is healed or recovery time is hard to express. Most of my patients are back to work about 2 weeks after tummy tuck surgery, but they are not fully recovered yet. Usually it takes about 4 weeks to really feel great not just “good’. And about 6 weeks for almost all the tummy tuck swelling to be gone. Every patient is a little different. (Scott W. Vann, MD, FACS, Savannah Plastic Surgeon)

You will experience moderate pain one to two weeks after surgery. Typically you are able to shower within 24 to 48 hours after surgery. To help with the extra fluid a drain is generally placed and will remain in place for upwards of 10 to 14 days. Most patients will expect moderate to heavy drain flow for the first 24 to 48 hours. Walking is always encouraged and you will walk while bending at the waist.

Tummy tuck surgery recovery image

When resting it is always best to have a pillow under your knees to relieve the pressure at the waist. You are generally able to resume full activity four to six weeks after the procedure. Soon you should be standing tall and confident about your new slimmer profile. (David L. Robbins, MD, FACS, West Des Moines Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck surgery requires you to take about 2 weeks off of work with regular check ups at the doctors office every 3 days or so. The pain will lessen after the first 5 days but is easily controlled with pain meds. The second two weeks you will still feel a little sore and tight with some discomfort but in general can get back to being out and about but not exercising. That is why sometimes the recover is described as 4 weeks because you won’t be up to full speed till at least 4 weeks has passed. In my experience it is so worth it though. I have never had an unhappy tummy tuck patient and never had anyone who didn’t think it was worth the recovery. Please read my article at the link below on Mommy Makeovers. (Kouros Azar, MD, Thousand Oaks Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck surgery recovery photo

Following an abdominoplasty, some of our patients prefer to stay one night in the hospital. However, if a patient was administered a one-stick spinal anesthetic, which is a long-lasting opiate immediately prior to the induction of anesthesia, they must stay in the hospital overnight. For those who have not had a one-stick, but strictly general anesthesia, they typically go home after surgery with a nurse.

Either way, we see patients the very next day. We encourage patients to walk around a bit the day after surgery.

Pain will be well controlled with a limited amount of oral opiates and pain medications.

Postsurgical drains are generally removed about a week after surgery.

For those who do not perform laborious work, it generally takes two to three weeks for a patient to return back to the workplace.

Tummy tuck surgery recovery photos

During the first six weeks after surgery, I like to see patients for postoperative appointments on a weekly basis. Following this, every few weeks is generally the protocol. (Glynn Bolitho, PhD, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery time obviously varies form patient to patient, and depending on the type of procedure you had. In general, however, most patients after a tummy tuck are quite sore the first few days, sleeping in a recliner or in a semi-upright position. You are back to your daily activities in 10-14 days but it takes a full 6-8 weeks for the major recovery.

I tell my patients that they need 2 weeks off of work minimum if they have a desk-type job; more if their job requires physical activity. If your plastic surgeon uses a drainage tube, it is usually removed after 7-14 days. While the majority of the swelling is gone in the first few weeks, it can take up to 6-12 months for your final tummy tuck result. (Niki Christopoulos, MD, FACS, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck surgery recovery

Most women compare tummy tuck recoveries to a C-section. The muscle tightening hurts the most and most women are on pain medication day and night the first week and only at night the second week. Patients can walk and lift 10# weights right away, but strenuous activity is reserved until 6 weeks.

Swimming can be done after the drains are removed, but limited activity is best until recovered. If patients are active too soon, they can disrupt the muscle repair and lose the full tightening effect. (Christopher J. Kovanda, MD Minneapolis Plastic Surgeon)

I tell my patients to expect 6 weeks for full/unrestricted recovery. Generally tummy tuck surgery recovery proceeds like this:

  • Outpatient surgery (Sometimes overnight stay depending on medical condition and/or patient preference).
  • Ambulate the day of surgery (You should not go home and stay in bed for even a day!).
  • Tummy tuck drains usually come out in 5-7 days
  • Don’t get your heart rate or blood pressure up for 14 days.
  • At 2 weeks you should be able to stand straight and return to a desk job.
  • At 4 weeks you can begin light aerobic or cardio at the gym (No core workouts or heavy pushing or pulling).
  • At 6 weeks you can resume unrestricted activity.
  • (Ralph Trey Aquadro, MD, Auburn Plastic Surgeon)