Tummy tucks scars

A goal of the tummy tuck operation is to remove excess fat and skin from the lower abdomen area. The amount of loose and extra skin varies depending on the weight and size of the patient.

The scar is placed as low as possible and continues across the abdomen area. The length of the scar depends on how much skin is needed to be removed.

It is very important to have the correct operation and scar placement. I have my patients come the day before tummy tuck surgery and bring their swimsuit and underwear so the scar is placed where it does not show.

It takes several months for the scar to fade so I find it very important to have the patients participation on the location of the scar.

Tummy tucks scars image

Several months after the surgery photofacial lasers can be used to speed up the recovery and redness of the scar. Also I find patients seek laser hair removal on the bikini area to reduce the amount of hairs in the area. (John Ward, MD, Phoenix Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tucks scars

Depending on the extent of the original problem and the surgery required to correct it (whether it be a mini tummy tuck or a full tummy tuck), the tummy tuck scar can extend from hip to hip. Tummy tuck incision will be placed just above the pubic hair line. With time, this scar will fade and become lighter.
(Richard H. Fryer, MD, Salt Lake City Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tucks operation scars

Tummy tucks scars very from patient to patient depending on the degree of excess skin to be removed. An incision is made from hip to hip low enough to be hidden by underwear or a bikini (again length varies depending on the amount of skin to be removed). Another incision is made to re-create the belly button, except in the case of a partial tummy tuck.

All incisions result in scars; however, there are several ways to minimize scars including: refraining from smoking, following your surgeon’s instructions for physical activities after surgery, your surgeon’s technique, refraining from tanning the area after surgery and utilizing a silicone based scar gel such as BioCorneum. (Tarick K. Smaili, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tucks surgery scars

Length of a tummy tuck scar

The major determinant of scar length for a tummy tuck is the degree of loose skin a person has. A patient with more excess skin (such as a major weight loss patient) will have a longer incision than the petite, thin, mother of one who has only a small amount of skin laxity. (Christa Clark, MD, FACS, Sacramento Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tucks scar depends on the amount of extra skin a patient has

Tummy tucks scars photos

The length of a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty incision depends on the amount of extra skin a patient has. That is, literally, the only determinant of the length of the incision. Patients with a very large amount of loose skin will have longer tummy tucks scars.

If a patient has a very small amount of loose skin, and primarily if the loose skin is found below the belly button, she may be able to do what is called a “mini-tummy tuck”. The difference between a mini tummy tuck and a full tummy tuck is that, in a mini tummy tuck the skin that is excised is only below the belly button and the belly button is not moved

But, with a mini tummy tucks, depending on how tightly the skin is pulled, the belly button could be pulled down and have some mild tension on it. A mini tummy tuck does not necessarily mean you have a mini scar. It just means the extra skin was found below the belly button and so the incision is generally a little smaller.

Tummy tucks scars photo

A full abdominoplasty is for a woman that has loose skin and stretch marks not only below the belly button but above the belly button, and this way the excess skin needs to be removed both above and below the belly button. (Usha Rajagopal, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tucks scar location

A full tummy tuck removes the excess lower skin from just above the belly button to the pubic bone, along with the fat under the skin while stretching the upper skin. The resulting scar is necessary to allow the skin to be smooth when it is sewed together, so it will usually stretch low from hip to hip.

Tummy tucks scars after

However, the scar is low enough to be hidden under your swimsuit – even a bikini! The belly button is left on the underlying muscle and brought out through a window in the skin, resulting in a scar around it – but this is usually not noticeable. A mini-tummy tuck may have an even shorter scar, but will remove less skin. The scars are a great trade-off for a nice flat tummy. (Randy J. Buckspan, MD, Austin Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tucks Scar – Individualized

A tummy tucks scar really does vary from patient to patient, and it all depends on what the goal of the surgery is. Some women need a very long ( hip to hip) scar to address all of their excess skin/fat, while others need only a shorter scar if their excess is more centralized. Regardless of who the patient is, the goal is always to keep the scar as low as possible, so that it can still hide in underwear or a bathing suit.

This is not always possible, but every effort should be made to help keep this in a lower position. (Christopher V. Pelletiere, MD, Barrington Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tucks scars vary in length

The position of tummy tuck scars changes with the fashions of the day- but the length of your tummy tuck scar will depend on the amount and lateral extent of skin laxity that you present with. If you’ve got skin laxity above and below your belly button and from ‘hip to hip’ you looking at a scar that will be placed low on your pelvis and extend across the junction of thigh and pelvis, swing up slightly and round the corner below your hip bone. (Scott C. Sattler, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)