Weight loss tummy tuck

Abdominoplasty surgery removes skin and fat from the lower abdominal area. This skin and fat is not very heavy, around 2 lbs in most average weight patients. However with fluid retention and swelling after surgery, it really doesn’t register on the scale. Tummy tuck dramatically flattens and contours the abdomen and waistline, so that clothing fits much better. If you want associated weight loss, I recommend patients do their part with a healthy diet and eventually excercise in order to maintain and improve results.

Remember, tummy tuck is not a weight loss surgery, it is a body contouring procedure to RESHAPE your abdomen.

I will say the largest section of skin I have removed following an average tummy tuck has been roughly 12 lbs. Yesterday I removed about 9 lbs. on a patient following 100lb weight loss. So, in essence, we do not look at tummy tuck surgery as a method of weight loss tummy tuck. In fact, many people lose very little weight at all.

Weight loss abdominoplasty

Despite this, the appearance of someone’s midsection after an abdominoplasty is one of the most satisfying experiences in one’s life especially in a woman who has had children and has developed loose skin. When we do Abdominoplasty and combine it with Liposuction we often see anywhere from 8 to 24 lbs of weight loss.

This however really depends on the size of the patient initially. Patients that are quite small may not lose any weight.I caution you though sometimes after an abdominoplasty patients will look better but have a propensity to gain weight. So after tummy tuck make sure you continue to exercise when your surgeon allows you to.

Weight loss tummy tuck image

Unfortunately you will not lose any significant amount of weight loss tummy tuck / abdominoplasty procedure.


This procedure is for:


A tummy tuck will address:

  1. skin excess / laxity (including some stretch marks if any),
  2. rectus muscle separation / diastasis (due to normal aging and pregnancy). and
  3. localized fat deposits of the lower abdomen (or the entire abdomen if liposuction is also performed)

Tummy Tuck is not a weight loss procedure.

Weight loss tummy tuck images

Depending upon how much extra skin and fat there is to remove, the weight removed at surgery can vary from a few ounces to 4 or more pounds.

But tummy tuck success is measured in the mirror and the drape of your clothes; not on the scale.

You are thinking about the surgery in the wrong way. Tummy tuck surgery is not a weight reduction surgery–it improves contour. The average weight of the skin and fat that I remove is between 3-5 lbs, but most people will actually GAIN weight for the first several weeks because of fluid retention etc. You also will not be as physically active for the next 6 weeks, so that can also lead to weight gain.

When it is all said and done you will look better in exercise clothes and want to maintain your excellent result and so overall you will most likely lose weight. Stop exercising and eating right after your surgery and you will gain weight.

Weight loss tummy tuck operation

Tummy Tuck surgery removes skin and fat from your belly, but most of the time the weight is less than what patients think they will loose.

A small person can expect to loose a pound or so, while a heavy patient can loose 5-10 lb at most.

Right after surgery expect to actually gain weight because of the post-surgical swelling and water retention. It may take a couple of weeks for your weight to get back to normal before you continue to decrease to your final weight.

You have to understand that a tummy tuck is not primarily performed for weight loss.

Weight loss tummy tuck photo

A tummy tuck removes excess skin and fat from the stomach and tightens the abdominal muscles so that you can expect a flat stomach after a tummy tuck regardless of how much weight is removed. In general, in a thin person with loose skin, only 1 or 2 lbs. of weight are removed with the tummy tuck surgery. If the patient is somewhat overweight and liposuction is performed together with the tummy tuck, then as much as 5 or 6 lbs. can be lost during the tummy tuck surgery.

To repeat, the tummy tuck aims at improving shape and contour, and this is achieved regardless of the amount of weight that is actually lost during the operation.

This really depends upon how much tissue is removed from the lower abdomen and how much the patient’s lower abomen weighed.

Weight loss tummy tuck pictures

In general, for a patient of normal weight it probably would range from 3-5 lbs. For post weight loss (morbidly obese) patients, it may weigh 10-15 lbs or more.

The amount of weight lost in a tummy tuck depends upon how much material one has to remove. The typical area removed is the loose skin and fat located between the umbilicus and the mons pubis. Some individuals have quite a bit of excess tissue in this area, and by definition, will see a larger amount of weight removed on their scale.

Weight loss tummy tuck surgery

The primary objective of the operation is to give a better contour and the amount of weight removed is a side benefit. Many times the removal of 1 to 2 pounds of loose skin and fat along with tightening the abdominal wall gives the appearance that one has lost MUCH more than the amount that was actually removed by weight.

There is not a lot of weight taken off in most tummy tuck surgeries, even when liposuction is added. Fat does not weigh very much so taking it off does not relieve a lot of weight. Removing just a little bit of weight, repairing the muscle and adding a liposuction laterally can, however, give the appearance of dramatic weight loss tummy tuck.

If a number and the health benefits that come with a healthy weight are your goal, the thousands of dollars you would spend on a tummy tuck, either a partial tummy tuck or a full tummy tuck, would be better spent on a trainer and nutritionist.

If your goal is the above AND removal of extra skin and tightening of the abdominal muscles and diastasis, surgery may be a big part of the answer.