When do you need a tummy tuck

Unfortunately, there is no other procedure than a tummy tuck operation that will come close to helping you achieve your goals. Keep in mind, that even with tummy tuck surgery, that some “wrinkled” skin will remain; the resulting appearance of your abdomen, will be an improvement (but not perfect).

The “ideal” patient for tummy tuck surgery is one who has completed pregnancies, is psycho socially / emotionally / financially stable, has an excellent social support system surrounding him / her, is capable of arranging enough recovery time, does not smoke and who has reached a long-term stable weight.

Please do not waste your time / resources on other heavily marketed modalities.  (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

When do you need a tummy tuck image

You need a traditional abdominoplasty, as no other procedure will address the amount of loose skin on your abdomen. If a tummy tuck is “out of the question” as you describe, you’ll need to learn accept your abdomen as it is. Don’t waste your money on other “shortcut” procedures. You will be disappointed. I recommend that you schedule a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon to fully understand the procedure and make a better informed decision. (Erik Miles, MD, FACS, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)

Wrinkled tummy

Although the ThermiRf might help a little you need a full tummy tuck. You have too much excess , wrinkled skin for anything else. Try the thermi – but I dont think you will be happy. (William B. Rosenblatt, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

What procedure will fix my belly?

When do you need a tummy tuck photo

I understand you don’t want a tummy tuck but unfortunately in this case is the only procedure that will fix your belly. If you still have doubts about this you should visit a board certified plastic surgeon. (Tania Medina de Garcia, MD, Dominican Republic Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck required

From looking at the photo a tummy tuck is the ideal procedure for you. Dont waste your time and money on any other procedures they won’t have the results you expect. (Dana Khuthaila, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Only a full tummy tuck will do

When do you need a tummy tuck surgery

You have painted yourself into a corner by denying the best procedure for what you have. Until you release yourself from this restriction please do nothing because it will only result in lost money and frustration with a non result . (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck after pregnancy

Looking at your photos you clearly are in great shape after pregnancy and you should congratulate yourself for that. Unfortunately, only a tummy tuck will give you a great improvement. You say a tummy tuck is not an option. Is that because of cost or recovery time? Sometimes I will perform a tummy tuck without tightening the muscle as long as they have minimal rectus diastasis and they cannot stand to be away from work for more than a few days. That may be something to consider if recovery is the issue. (Josh Olson, MD, Gilbert Plastic Surgeon)

When do you need a tummy tuck question

I am sorry to say that based on your photograph only a full tummy tuck will give you a significant improvement in your tummy. Please consult a board certified plastic surgeon. (Brooke R. Seckel, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

You may not want a tummy tuck but it’s the indicated procedure. Cosmetic surgery is about compromises. Patients have to accept certain scars and procedures to achieved improved contour.

The degree of stretch marks present will not be taken care of unless all,of the skin is removed from bell button to the pubic region.(Jose Perez-Gurri, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

When do you need a tummy tuck surgery

You are a perfect candidate for abdominoplasty ( Tummy Tuck ) – without a full Tummy tuck you will not have a good result. Now that your child bearing activities are completed – it’s time restore the body you once had. Muscles can be tightened as well during the procedure.

All of this loose skin can be removed in its entirety and the stretch marks above the belly button will be smoothened out. You should have a very satisfying tummy tuck result – in the right hands. (Thomas Trevisani, Sr., MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck to Correct Wrinkled Skin After Pregnancy

I am afraid you will not like my answer. The only way to remove the excess wrinkled skin is with a tummy tuck. You are not a candidate for a mini tummy tuck because you have excess skin above your naval.

The correction of the separated abdominal muscles that are a result of your pregnancies cannot be addressed if you are “awake” as in the Avelar technique you are seemingly open to. To reach your goal of tightened skin and a flat tummy you will have to reconsider your stance on abdominoplasty. Best wishes. (Mary Lee Peters, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)