Lose weight before tummy tuck

It is best to be at an ideal weight(normal BMI) prior to a tummy tuck so that the results and safety of the procedure are optimal and predictable.

If there is an excess amount of fat in the abdominal region the abdominal flaps may not heal well or be level with one another as this area is not safe to liposuction concurrently.

If there are small pockets of fat in the hips ot thighs these would be safely amenable to liposuction at the same setting.

It is difficult to judge from your photos as to whether the abdominal distention is muscle laxity or fatty tissue as this may partly determine your readiness for the procedure.

Please note that patients with high BMI’s are at increased risk for various complications, including deep venous thrombosis.

Lose weight before abdominoplasty

Do your best with weight loss so that you not only improve your chances of a great outcome, but ensure maintaining your new shape. (Pedy Ganchi, MD, Ridgewood Plastic Surgeon)

IF you think you can lose more weight and bring your BMI to under 30 then by all means do. Not all women can do so and they become more depressed and frustrated by trying to do so. If this is the case, if you are done having children and have not medical history which needs to be investigated or controlled, then a Full Tummy Tuck – Abdominoplasty IS your best option. I would recommend combining it with liposuction of the lower back and hips. The procedures should give you a flat tummy with narrower waist. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)

You should expect a great result and loosing weight can always help improve the result.

Lose weight before tummy tuck if you can

Lose weight before tummy tuck image

Unless you are at your ideal body weight, the goal that you can reach and maintain, it can pay to delay tummy tuck. You may continue to develop skin laxity through weight loss, and may reduce intra abdominal fat as well, which can further flatten the stomach and improve tummy tuck results. Currently, you would have a very nice improvement but why not go the distance if you can. (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Just from your photos, you look like a reasonable candidate for a tummy tuck, but if you plan on losing more weight, your result may be better. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

You should be at your ideal weight. That said, the skin roll you have may not change much if you lose further weight. you will see a nice improvement. (David A. Lickstein, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Lose weight before tummy tuck photo

You will achieve the best results if you lose weight before tummy tuck. We recommend patients to be at their ideal weight for at least 6 months prior to surgery. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Abdominoplasty Best at Ideal Body Weight

Patients will typically obtain a better result from tummy tuck if they are at or near their ideal body weight. This is because there is a limit to the amount of fat which can safely be suctioned. From your photos it appears that you could ungergo abdominoplasty at this time, but if your weight loss has not plateaued you should attempt to lose a few more pounds. (John Whitt, MD, Louisville Plastic Surgeon)

You seem to be ready for a tummy tuck and liposuction. If possible, losing more weight would help but it depends on where your body tends to accumulate fat.

Need i Lose weight before tummy tuck

If you’ve always had a full abdomen regardless of your weight, then it may be hard to make that area better before surgery. (Karol A. Gutowski, MD, FACS, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Losing weight before a tummy tuck

If you can lose weight before the tummy tuck, then the abdominal muscles can be tightened to a greater degree and more skin can be removed. Although you would look a lot better if you were to have the tummy tuck now, I believe that if you lost a little weight before the surgery, the abdominal contours would be better (Julio Garcia, MD, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)