Mini or full tummy tuck

Do I need a mini tummy tuck or a full tummy tuck?

A mini tummy tuck  would not give you a satisfactory result. You need a full tummy tuck and possibly lipo to your flanks. A face to face consult is necessary to determine the particulars. (William Lambeth, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)

Full tummy tuck vs mini

You need a full Tummy Tuck in my practice because the mini will not give you the results you might be expecting. You have a large apron of skin and therefore a mini by definition with a limited scar will not remove all the excess skin and I think that is necessary.

Mini or full abdominoplasty

You have excess skin above the umbilicus and I always recommend a Full in that case. I have never done a Mini in patients like your photos show as they were not designed for your current body habitus (David Liland, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Mini or full tummy tuck

A mini tummy tuck only addresses the lower abdomen (below the navel) and very few patients will have a benefit from that alone. You clearly have excess tissue above the navel also, so only a full tummy tuck will give you a decent result.All the best. (Jourdan Gottlieb, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Candidate for lateral tension abdominoplasty tummy tuck

Mini or full tummy tuck image

You are a very good candidate for lateral tension abdominoplasty tummy tuck. Few patients are good candidates for an mini abdominoplasty as this procedure and minimal amount of skin is removed. In your case, the entirety of loose skin below your bellybutton will need to be removed for good results. (Kevin Tehrani, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck for best results

You appear to be a great candidate for a full tummy tuck to remove the loose skin and stretch marks from the lower abdominal area. A mini tummy tuck will not remove as much skin and will not allow for as much abdominal wall muscle tightening.

Mini or full tummy tuck operation

Consult with a few plastic surgeons for a thorough examination in person. (William Bruno, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

A mini tummy tuck or a full tummy tuck

The photograph suggests a fully tummy tuck. However, a physical examination is warranted. Consult in person with 3 board certified plastic surgeon to understand your options and choose the surgeon/surgical plan that best meets your needs/objectives. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)

What kind of tummy tuck is best

Mini or full tummy tuck photo

Your photo shows stretch marks well above the navel, wide muscles above the navel and loose skin. You would find a min-tuck terribly disappointing – it only corrects the lower abdomen muscle.

A standard tummy tuck (long incision to remove excess skin, muscle repair and contouring liposuction) is better for you, possibly with an extended incision to remove as much side side as possible.

Discuss this with your plastic surgeon. Here’s hoping you find this helpful. (Elizabeth Morgan, MD, PhD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck vs Mini-Tummy Tuck

Mini or full tummy tuck surgery

Look for an excellent board-certified plastic surgeon who can evaluate you. He/she can review both procedures. For most people with lax skin of the upper and lower abdomen, a full tummy tuck yields the best tummy tuck results, including improvement in the contour and in the skin laxity.

In addition, the stretch marks between the pubis and the belly button are, for the most part, gone because the surgeon can remove that skin. The standard tummy tuck has a greater recovery time, but for most people with lax skin of the upper and lower abdomen, the results are worth it. (Heather J. Furnas, MD, Santa Rosa Plastic Surgeon)

Do I need a mini tummy tuck or a full tummy tuck?

Full or mini tummy tuck

Nobody ever “needs” cosmetic surgery. The tummy tuck procedure that will best achieve your desired aesthetic improvement depends on what your desired improvement is (suggested by your statement: extra skin) and while a side and/or oblique view would be helpful, the frontal view alone implies sufficient excess both above and below the belly button (umbilicus) that full abdominoplasty is indicated.

Pregnancy also stretches your abdominal wall, and tightening of the abdominal wall over the entire abdomen can only be accomplished by full tummy tuck. You are a good candidate provided you don’t plan future pregnancies, you’re a non-smoker, you’re in otherwise good health, and you are able to follow instructions after the procedure. (Steve Laverson, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Mini or full tummy tuck galery

Based on these photos a mini with lipo and a tightening of your muscles should give youa great result.You are young and the skin doesn’t seem to be too redundant. (Robert Brueck, MD, Fort Myers Plastic Surgeon)

It is very difficult to answer this over the internet without the benefit of a physical exam. Based on the photos you provide, it looks like the combination of liposuction with a limited scar tummy tuck might work for you. It really depends on the elasticity of your skin which a picture can’t convey. Keep in mind that very few women are good candidates for a mini-tummy tuck and recurrence of skin laxity can be common. (J. Jason Wendel, MD, FACS, Nashville Plastic Surgeon)

You are an excellent candidate for a Mini-tummy tuck with liposuction of the abdomen because you have mild bulging and loose skin below the belly button and minimal changes above the belly button that can be improved with liposuction alone.

Mini or full tummy tuck images

A mini-tummy tuck works best when the changes after pregnancy are just in the lower abdomen. This is often the case after the first pregnancy and possibly the second pregnancy. Mini-tummy tuck (with liposuction): Will correct loose skin below belly button Will correct the pouch or bulging below belly button Has a low, shorter scar the easily hides under a bikini Is about 2-3 inches longer than a C – section scar Does not correct loose skin or bulging of the area above the belly button Is an easier less painful and shorter recovery than a full tummy-tuck Full Tummy Tuck (with liposuction of the hips) Corrects more severe changes of the upper and lower abdomen including loose skin, bulging of the abdominal wall above and below the belly button and stretch marks of the lower abdomen Gives an overall more dramatic improvement in the appearance of the abdomen Involves a longer and somewhat more painful recovery (this is less of a problem with automatic pain pumps which greatly decrease the pain after this surgery) Is best for patients with loose skin and bulging above an below the belly button (David L. Mobley, MD, FACS, Sarasota Plastic Surgeon)

Since you have had only one child and you appear to be relatively young I would recommend liposuction only or with a small mini tummy tuck. You loose nothing by doing a liposuction especially if it is done properly and without overdoing it. Some of your skin will bounce back after lipo. Down the road if you have another child you will not undo the full tummy tuck results. Similarly, if you choose to undergo a full tummy tuck down the road you can do so and you would not have burned any bridges.(Remus Repta, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)