Tummy tuck garment

The binder or garment can be worn many weeks if desired. Some patients feel more comfortable with the binder on, particularly in the early days following surgery.

What is most important is to wear a high quality tummy tuck garment that fits well. In my practice, a garment is provided as part of the cost of surgery. I have heard stories of patients purchasing their own garments from Walmart. If a binder or a tummy tuck garment cuts in sharply in the wrong place, this could be quite uncomfortable and could even possibly create unevenness.

Be sure to be present for all of your post-operative visits. You should be monitored closely in the days and weeks following tummy tuck surgery. (Michael Law, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)

Abdominoplasty garment

There are so many PS’s with different answers! As a general rule, when there are many different answers to a question there is no evidence supporting any of the answers. There has never been a medical study proving that compression helps with any post-operative issues following tummy tuck.

Theoretically, wearing the compression decreases swelling and fluid collection under the skin (seroma after tumy tuck). If you have liposuction with your tummy tuck, the advantage of compression goes from theoretical to evidence based. Compression definitely helps post-liposuction swelling. Additionally, many patients find the compression comfortable especially when coughing.

I recommend compression full time for 3 weeks following TT alone and longer if I include liposuction. (Bradley A. Hubbard, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck garment compression after tummy tuck

The tummy tuck garment

Recommendations for compression vary widely based on surgeon preference. Whether the compression is beneficial in reducing drain times, swelling or pain is unknown. My current recommendations are to wear a compression garment for the first couple of weeks and transition to a Spanks type garment for a total of 6 weeks. (Ralph Trey Aquadro, MD,
Auburn Plastic Surgeon)

  • As the surgery for tummy tucks continue to evolve, the amount of fluid accumulation (seroma) after the surgery continues to lessen. Most of my patients actually feel more comfortable with some type of compression pants than without!
  • Your plastic surgeon will guide you as to the length of time you need to wear the compression garment after the surgery. This is typically 2 weeks continuously and during the day for 2 more weeks for a total of approximately 4-6 weeks.
  • There are times I do not use compression at all after a very large tummy tuck or lower body lift to protect the skin. This should be completely determined by your plastic surgeon.

(Michele Koo, MD, FACS, Saint Louis Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck garment is really meant to do 2 things:

Tummy tuck garment image

  1. compress the skin/fat so that you get a smooth contour and prevent a seroma (a collection of swelling fluid)
  2. support the muscle repair while it heals.

Generally I suggest that some form of compression be used for 6 weeks. Usually after 2 weeks patients can switch to a compression garment if they find it more comfortable. (Rodger Shortt, FRCSC, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

I recommend my patients wear a compression garment for one month following their tummy tuck surgery. If patients want to wear it longer this is fine. I find that patients generally do not like the garment after the first week but then do not want to stop wearing it after one month. (Christopher J. Morea, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)

How long is a tummy tuck garment work after surgery?

Tummy tuck garment photo

I have my patients wear a garment for 4-6 weeks after surgery. Many patients appreciate the feel and support of the garment and like to wear something (the surgical binder or Spanx, for example) for about 6 weeks. Also, no heavy lifting or core exercises for at least 6 weeks. (Michelle Spring, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

There is no right or wrong answer to this question and I have found the other answers interesting. Much of plastic surgery decision making is based on personal experience and what our mentors teach us based on their own experience. A seroma is a fairly uncomfortable complication and most of us want to do everything we can to avoid them. We also know that the discomfort of a garment, if it prevents a seroma, is probably worth it.

Tummy tuck surgery garment

Different surgeons do operations differently and the recuperation efforts they implement may serve specific roles. In that regard, it is likely to have an open and honest conversation with your surgeon. Ask about garments before surgery and understand what the plan will be if one is to be used. (Jeremy Pyle, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)

I normally recommend that my patients wear their abdominal binder for three weeks around the clock after a tummy tuck. After that I recommend wearing it another three weeks at night.

The more you wear it, the faster the swelling will come out and the quicker you will get to your final result. (Sacha Obaid, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck techniques vary from surgeon to surgeon. I always perform liposuction when I perform any type of tummy tuck. It is always necessary to wear a garment after liposuction to improve the result. I know there are surgeons who do not use a garment, but for my technique, and to obtain optimal result it is best to wear a garment after surgery for 4 to 6 weeks. Compare the before and after tummy tuck results of surgeon to see if you like their results. (Shahriar Mabourakh, MD, FACS, Sacramento Plastic Surgeon)

I have all my patients wear a velcro elastic binder for the first week followed by a compression garment for the next 6 weeks. i think that the binder is more comfortable and safer for the first week. I believe that the compression helps to reduce swelling and also gives my patients support as they go about their daily activity. (Ronald Schuster, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)