Tummy tuck numbness

Tummy tuck numbness is expected and can take up to 1 year time. That is why I always encourage my patients to apply sunblock when out in the sun.

You will experience burning sensation as well as tingling, and sometimes it may feel like a jolt of electricity on the area. These are all signs of nerve coming back. Hope that helps! (Farbod Esmailian, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Numbness after a tummy tuck

Tummy tuck numbness is usually gone after one year. In many patients the recovery will be much quicker, but one year is a good rule of thumb. (Deason Dunagan, MD, Huntsville Plastic Surgeon)

Numbness after tummy tuck surgery is not uncommon

The tummy tuck numbness

Numbness in a tummy tuck can be several months and in some areas can be permanent. The most common area that it could be permanent, in a full full tummy tuck, is the area right above the tummy tuck scar in the center. That area has been elevated and pulled and most of the nerves there have been cut during the surgery. So it is not uncommon for patients to experience a mild amount of permanent numbness. (Usha Rajagopal, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck numbness

After a tummy tuck, there is a significant recovery process. Remember that during the tummy tuck procedure a great deal of fat and skin was most likely removed and your muscles were adjusted as well.

Tummy tuck abdominoplasty numbness

Initially after the surgery, patients are often surprised that they have minimal sensation at the lower part of their tummy. This sensation will return as the healing process continues and the swelling goes down and asked the small nerves in the skin repair themselves. This process may take from 4 to 12 months after the surgery. To learn more about tummy tucks, see photos, and help you decide which one is best for you, please visit us at the link below: (Pat Pazmino, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck numbness is no cause for alarm

The numbness is not a complication of tummy tuck, but rather a necessary unwanted side effect, so to speak. This results from severing small sensory nerves that service skin. As you heal, sensation tends to return from the sides to the middle. Usually, the last area to get sensation back is the area between the umbilicus and the pubis.

Tummy tuck numbness after 2 months

The sensation starts to return after about a month and progresses slowly from there. Initial return may be manifest by the feeling of pins & needles, electric shocks, burning, tingling, ants walking ont the skin, etc.

This advances ahead of the normal return of sensation. It is important to note that you may recover full sensation, decreased sensation, patchy sensation, or none at all. No one can predict, but none of the cases are cause for alarm.

Sensation return may continue for up to a couple of years or even longer, but most of the return is usually within the first year. (Scott E. Kasden, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Return process from post-Tummy Tuck numbness may take over a year

Tummy tuck numbness photo

It is common to have numbness after tummy tuck surgery. It usually returns over time from the sides to the middle. The return process may take over a year and may not be complete. In other words, there may be areas of permanent numbness, usually below the belly button in the midline. Be patient and good luck! (Kenneth R. Francis, MD, Orange Plastic Surgeon)

Some numbness is permanent, but it improves over a year

Hello, You need to wait a year, and sometimes 1 1/2 years to allow sensation to return. Large areas of numbness several months after surgery are quite normal.

Tummy tuck numbness picture

Usually there is some persistent tummy tuck numbness near the belly button even after the healing is complete. (John P. Di Saia, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Numbness after Tummy Tuck will improve over the first two years

A comprehensive tummy tuck moves skin over a long distance. The skin in the center is moved the longest distance from it’s original nerve supply and generally requires dividing the sensory nerves. As the months go by the sensation in the skin will gradually get better, improving from the outer skin towards the center.

Tummy tuck numbness scar

This improvement will continue for several years with most of the sensation return during the first year. It is common for the lower/center part of the skin; the are between the incision and the belly button, to be numb. (Marcus L. Peterson, MD, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

Numbness and tummy tucks

Numbness after a tummy tuck can be permanent. This is becuase the skin and soft tissue is elevated off of the abominal fascia( connective tissue) and inevitably sensory fibers that give sensation to the skin are cut to move the tissue. Usually the numbness gets better with time, but not everyone gets normal sensation back. (Steven Wallach, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck numbness can be permanent

Numbness after a tummy tuck can be permanent but this is usually only in the area between the belly button and the pubic hairline. By modifying how the surgery is done, this is rarely permanent but it is possible that feeling won’t return. It will be 2-3 years before you know what the final sensory recovery will be. Numbness out to the sides is rarely permanent. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, )