Tummy tuck then pregnancy

You should always do your best to loose weight after pregnancy through diet and exercise. Unfortunately, sometimes doing everything right just doesn’t solve all areas.

If your skin has been stretched from pregnancy and the pubic area is saggy weight loss can make it worse. If the skin is loose liposuction regaardless of type may make it looser. Hips are sometimes the last to go as they are a diet resistant fat.

If you embark upon tummy tuck discuss your concerns with your surgeon. The pubic area can be thinned and elevated with the tummy tuck then pregnancy and the flanks can be liposuctioned or tightened at the same time.(Adam Tattelbaum, MD, Washington DC Plastic Surgeon)

A woman’s body goes through many changes as a result of childbearing.In addition to the expected stretching of the abdominal wall, many women accumulate and keep unwanted fat in the abdomen, hip and thigh area after pregnancy is over. In addition to diet and exercise, liposuction is an effective way to treat these isolated areas. Liposuction of the hips and thighs is anormal component of the “mommy makeover”.

Abdominoplasty then pregnancy

After pregnancy, the breasts often undergo changes along with the abdomen and the hip and thigh area. These changes may be a breast that is more saggy or a breast that has lost volume or possibly a breast that has lost volume and has more sag to it. It is very common to have all of these areas addressed in the operation known as the “mommy makeover” when the childbearing years are over. (John J. Edney, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

How to get rid of pregnancy Fat.

This is a great question. There are 4 things you should know about pregnancy fat:

A tummy tuck then pregnancy

  1. After the pregnancy is over the hormones of your body will readjust and you will be able to lose a majority of the fat.
  2. Shifting anatomy associated with the pregnancy and after the pregnancy may appear to create new pockets of fat.
  3. These areas can be difficult to lose with only diet and exercise. These are perfect target areas for liposuction.
  4. The stretching of the tissues after pregnancy may warrant tightening of the tissues with a tummy tuck or liposuction with a skin tightening component such as laser liposuction or FAL (radio frequency assisted lipo) (Douglas S. Steinbrech, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Post pregnancy abdomen

Tummy tuck surgery then pregnancy

If you have sagging skin, then a tuck would be required. If, instead, your skin tone is fine but you have an area of excess fat, then liposuction would be reasonable. I do not hink that SmartLipo would provide any better result than tumescent liposuction nor should the price be very different.

It is very important to be at a stable weight with which you are comfortable before any tummy tuck surgery and that you consult with a board certified plastic surgeon. (Robert L. Kraft, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Loose skin, loose muscle, and some residual fat are common after multiple pregnancies. A tummy tuck will remove the excess skin and tighten the belly area, while liposuction can remove fat from areas where excess skin does not need to be removed. These two procedures in combination will most likely give you the best result. (‘regular’ liposuction is just as effective as SmartLipo in removing fat, don’t get hooked be the great marketting name of SmartLipo) (Martin Jugenburg, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Lipo or tummy tuck for pregnancy fat

Tummy tuck operation then pregnancy

Of course no one can give you specific advice without seeing you, but given your history of steroid use it seems very likely that the skin has lost elasticity with pregnancy weight gain. In that situation, there is no magic laser that will tighten the skin with lipo so a tummy tuck is almost certainly your best choice.

Be aware that marketing pitches for the laser lipo procedures often tout it as an alternative to a tummy tuck then pregnancy, thoughit only rarely gives similar results when the skin is lax. (Richard Baxter, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

It is not unusual for women to accumulate fat in the abdomen, hips, and thighs during pregnancy. In many cases this fat is refractory to diet and exercise. This problem impacts self-confidence, self-image and self-esteem and for this reason many patients seek plastic surgical consultation. It appears that your primary areas of concern include yourhips, thighs, and pubic areas.

The tummy tuck then pregnancy

It’s also clear that liposuction would be an excellent option for treating your hips and thighs. Liposuction can be performed under local or general anesthesia. It has a relatively short recovery, is affordable, and has a low complication rate.

High satisfaction rates are associated with this procedure. Its major drawback includes less effectiveness in patients with weak abdominal muscles, loose skin and large amounts of fat.

Your pubic region could be treated with liposuction as well, but this might require a series of compromises including the potential for skin sag in this area. Under these circumstances an abdominoplasty might be a better choice. This procedure tightens the abdominal muscles while removing excess skin and fat.

It’s important that you consult a board-certified plastic surgeon who has experience in this area. This surgeon should be able to evaluate your anatomy and aesthetic goals and formulate an appropriate treatment plan. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck to give you a beautiful figure after pregnancy

Usually several pregnancies can irreversibly affect a woman’s figure, including causing stretch marks, loose abdominal skin, and excess lower abdominal fat. A tummy tuck can repair the results of pregnancy and can give a women a new figure. (S. Sean Younai, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction is the only way to address those areas. However with pregnancy many women also have loose skin and no type of liposuction will correct loose skin from pregnancy. Most of my patients have a combination of liposuction and tummy tuck to correct the consequences of pregnancy. (Leila Kasrai, MD, FRCSC, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)