Tummy tuck with muscle tightening

Tightening of the tummy muscles can be done without skin removal, but still requires an incision. However, there are ways to tighten the tummy and still get a much better appearance.

You’ve got more excess of skin than you think and a full tummy tuck with skin removal and muscle tightening can be done with still a good scar.

The latest method of improving the scar uses the new Embrace product which significantly improves the overall scar. You can look up the Embrace product online.

Further, the scar can be hidden very low (below the panty line in most cases).I personally do not believe that you will be satisfied with only muscle tightening and almost every patient on whom I’ve performed a mini-tummy tuck has gone on to have a full one done within 5 years.

Image of tummy tuck with muscle tightening

It seems we all get a little greedy once we’ve seen some improvement of the abdomen. then we want even more! So I’d save up a little more and get the best thing done the first time. (Scott W. Harris, MD, Plano Plastic Surgeon)

An extended mini tuck will tighten the rectus muscles without a large scar. But is that the best procedure for your anatomy? Often the Mini is accompanied by liposculpture to maximize the results.

Lipo may address issues with flank and hip rolls. Without performing an examination it is impossible to determine if you are the best candidate for a Mini vs a low scar TT.

A low scar TT would be recommended if you have a collapsed belly button from upper abdominal skin excess which manifests as upper abdominal fullness. (Robert B. Louton, MD, Altoona Plastic Surgeon)

Is real tummy tuck with muscle tightening

It’s not the easiest operation for the surgeon, but your surgeon should be able to fix the entire diastasis, from the “xyphoid process”(bony prominence at top of abdomen) to the pubis (bone at the bottom), through the Csection scar. The trick is that fixing the rectus diastasis actually makes the skin loser – think of this as the same skin but on a smaller circumference body. If the skin is undermined widely, sometimes redistributed along the entire anterior abdomen wall, then the skin will look about the same as before surgery. When you go see a PS, if he or she doesn’t do that surgery, go to someone else! (Lisa B. Cassileth, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Once you tighten the muscles you will increase the amount of skin laxity you have. The best possible result well Therefore be to also remove skin at the time of time we talk. I recommend you go in for a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon with a lot of experience in body contouring procedures to see what your exact options are. (Elan B. Singer, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck with muscle tightening photo

Tummy tuck with no loose skin and muscle tightening

Once your muscles are tightened to where they need to be you will have loose skin in my opinion. I would have a full tummy tuck so that you are pleased with the result. Your skin will be loose without a skin resection once the muscles are tightened. (Rick Rosen, MD, Norwalk Plastic Surgeon)

Surgically Tightening The Abdominal Muscles

It is possible to only tighten the abdominal muscles and NOT remove skin during a tummy tuck. Patients wanting to avoid a longer scar may opt for this more limited approach. My experience is that the new, smaller abdomen often does benefit from skin removal to give a nice “tight” appearance, but this needs to be discussed with your surgeon. (John LoMonaco, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)